適合版型 | 網孔版 | 型號 | GL |
品牌 | 瑪萊寶 | 耐溫性 | 低溫玻璃油墨 |
顏色 | 基本色 | 單件淨重 | 1000(g) |
著色力 | 100(%) | 細度 | 0.1(um) |
粘度 | 0-40(S) | 適用對像 | 玻璃 |
流動度≥ | 10(mm) | 保質期 | 24(個月) |
1 干固 組成油墨所使用的溶劑的揮發導致物理乾燥,油墨層的干固由油墨和慢干劑的化學交聯反應所致。 關於油墨交聯反應過程的標準參數值如下: 干固程度 溫度 所需時間 一碰即干 20C 約25分 準備套印 20C 約50分 最後干固 20C 約4-6天 140C 約30分 保存期 20C 8-10小時 高溫可以加快化學交聯反應。 要獲得更高的防水要求,需經140℃高溫烘烤30分鐘。油墨粘度及抗刮性測試需於24小時後進行。 於多色套印時,連續套印另一種顏色前,先前一顏色無須徹底干固。當套印結束時,最後必須經烘烤。 加工及干固溫度應當不小於是15℃,否則,不可逆破壞可能出現。同樣應避免印刷過後的持續高濕度,因為慢干劑對濕度敏感。 2 耐褪色性 GL系列油墨僅使用超高耐褪性色素研製。加入光油或者其他色素,特別是加入白色會按它們加入的比例而影響耐褪色性及耐風蝕性。如果油墨層厚度減小,其耐候性相應減弱。由於系列油墨的化學成份結構其耐風蝕性有限。當應用於戶外裝飾品時,油墨的環氧樹脂表層受侵,使得油墨層逐漸顯現白色,因而色素和填料釋放。鑒於此,GL系列油墨不能應用於戶外裝飾,倘若直接濕度接觸則可行。 3 抗壓性 經一定徹底的干固,油墨層表現出優良的粘度,其抗摩擦和抗刮性也得到鞏固。 我們建議使用保護塗層910或者MARAPOLY P 910,以期獲得更高程度的抗摩擦性。 技術參數 瑪萊寶配色系統中14種基本顏色 |
Feature Mixing ratio Before the ink is printed,it is essential to add hardener GLH in the correct quantity.For each colour shade,the ratio is as follow:20 parts by weight of ink:1 part by weight of hardener. Stress resistance After proper and thorough drying,the ink film exhibits outstanding adhesion as well as rub and scratch resistance and is dishwasher-proof.In tests,the prints have resisted more than 300 dishwasher programs.For higher demands to rub-resistance,we recommend to overcoat with Overprint Varnish GL 910 or Marapoly P910. Parameter The Glass Ink GL is primarily designed to print onto glass and ceramic,as used in the glass and cosmetic industry,but also to decorate promotional items made of glass or ceramic.The bond of this ink to these surfaces is excellent,and it is highly resistant to water,compared to other 2-component ink systems.The ink is therefore,suitable for printing onto give-away items,where a limited dishwasher resistance is required.The Glass Ink GL also adheres very well onto a variety of metals,such as chrome-plated writeing instruments.The Glass Ink GL can also be processed with a spray gun,but preliminary trials are necessary for this process.We recommend to filter the thinned ink(25μm screen)before processing,as otherwise there could be bubbles in the ink film. |
參考樣品Sample for reference |
