原理 | 加壓過濾 | 用途 | 空氣過濾 |
樣式 | 板框式 | 性能 | 高效過濾 |
適用對像 | 空氣 | 適用對像性質 | 腐蝕性、高衛生要求物料 |
濾料類型 | 活性炭 | 品牌 | dirkbiel |
型號 | HDs | 有效過濾面積 | 100(m2) |
主體材質 | 活性炭 | 適用範圍 | 化工、石油、製藥、輕工、食品、水處理、其他 |
產品類型 | 全新 | DN | 1 |
外形尺寸 | 常規(mm) | 設備重量 | 1(Kg) |
過濾器類型 | 管式 |
The active carbon initial effect filter is made of active carbon filtration materials and the active carbon can effectively eliminate foul smells and toxic and hazardous gases (such as benzene, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, propane, etc.). It can purify the air and protect the human health. It is suitable for use with the air conditioner ventilation system and the waste gas treatment at factories which can pollute the air.
a. It can be used for air filtration at the public places such as airports, hospitals (such as wards for patients of respiratory diseases) and office buildings and it can effectively eliminate the smells in the air while saving energy.
b. It can be used for eliminating oxysulfides and nitrogen oxides in the air at museums, archives and libraries in order to protect the collections from damages.
c. It can be used at the central control rooms at chemical companies, petrochemical companies and steel works in order to protect the precision instrument and equipment from damages by corrosive gases.
d. It can be used in semi-conductor and micro electronics manufacturing companies which can remove AMC (Airborne Molecular Contamination), improve product quality and protect the health of employees.
d.使用於半導體和微電子製造企業,去除“分子級污染物”(Airborne Molecular Contamination,簡稱AMC),提高產品質量,保護人員健康。
e. It can be used in the animal rooms of laboratories which can improve the quality of experimental animals and protect the atmospheric environment.
(Filter materials)過濾材料:active carbon活性炭氈、active carbon filtration paper活性炭濾紙、coal煤質、coconut shells椰殼、fruit shells果殼等,
“Dirkbiel”品牌產品:空氣過濾器(初效空氣過濾器、中效空氣過濾器、HEPA .ULPA空氣過濾器、化學空氣過濾器);工業純水過濾器;潔淨室設備(風淋室、貨淋室、超淨工作台、FFU潔淨單元、傳遞窗、高效送風口、潔淨層流罩、無塵生產線等淨化設備……);潔淨室清潔用品(無塵室專用吸塵器,防靜電產品,無塵、無菌布,粘塵清潔滾輪,粘塵紙本)。全部產品都按國際標準(ISO/9001 、ISO/DIS14644-1、U.S.A/SMACNA EN779 EN1822)製造。
![活性袋式過濾器 空氣過濾器 淨化空氣活性炭(圖)_過濾器_過濾設備_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發](http://www.marketplace.com.tw/skin/en/image/step.jpg)