1pack = 3pcs Color: Black, Beige,White How many ways can you wear Cami Secret? Well, it depends on whether your preference this day is for a high or low neckline, or somewhere in between. You can create a layered look that won’t bulk up your silhouette like a camisole would, one that is stylish and lightweight. This is where you go to learn how Cami Secret stays in place with two smart little clips, and no unattractive tugging throughout the day. Among other things, you’ll discover you can choose from several versatile colors that will more than double the size of your wardrobe, and you’ll want to wear it all year long. The true secret behind Cami Secret – the website AND the product – is the control it affords each woman over the amount of cleavage she wishes to show at different times, in different settings. Cami Secret allows a woman to choose the look – sexy, professional or demure – that she feels is 產品名稱:Cami Secret遮胸衣護胸貼AS SEEN ON TV抹胸胸貼 材質成分: 蕾絲+牛奶絲佈料+塑料扣 尺寸規格:16.5*10.5*2.2CM(包裝尺寸),19*16CM(產品尺寸),50G 顏色選擇: 多色(白、黑、肉色) 包裝方式:彩盒包裝(一套3個色裝) 產品特點: 小巧好用,實用方便 更多的產品請進 :www.fengfanlp.net www.fengfanlp.com 手機:15215852989 平陽縣思瀚(風帆)工藝品廠位於中國商務禮品之都——浙江平陽。 義烏銷售部:義烏國際商貿城。是一傢集生產、銷售按摩器、海豚按摩棒、按摩披肩、車載按摩器、按摩枕,足浴按摩器、刮痧推脂機、臉部按摩器、頸椎按摩枕、足部按摩器、迷你按摩器、按摩腰帶、收納籃,快速洗米器、聲控蠟燭燈、TV產品、健身器材、傢居用品、電子禮品、促銷禮品等. 公司秉承“顧客至上,誠信經營,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。 Pingyang county FENGFAN massage apparatus (handicraft) factory is located in China's business gifts city-zhejiang pingyang. Yiwu sales: yiwu international trade city . It is a collection of production, sales massage device, dolphin massage stick, massage shawls, deduce grease machine, the vehicle is massage device, massage pillow, facial massage device, cervical vertebra massage device, foot bath massage basin, mini massage device, massage belt, receive basket, quick wash the rice, sonic candles for light, TV product, fitness equipment, household products, electronic gifts, promotional gifts, etc.Comfortable to Wear and Easy to Adjust
Personal Choice and Cleavage Control
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