技術特性 Characteristics & Specifications
◆ 光強測試條件:CIE1997-127 LED Measurement condition A/B
◆ 光強分佈繪圖模式 Data plots: 二維直角坐標 2D orthogonal coordinates,二維極坐標 2D polar coordinates
◆ 掃描角度 Test angle:-90°~90°
◆ 平均發光強度 Average luminous intensity (IV): 0~2000cd
◆ 半強度角 Half-intensity angle(2θ1/2)
◆ 偏差角 Misalignment angle(Δθ)
◆ 角度測量精度 Angle accuracy ±0.2°
◆ 測量角度間隔選擇 Measuring angle interval:0.5°/1°/2°/5°
◆ 光通量Φv(配積分球)
Luminous flux Φv(with suitable integrating sphere): 0~200000lm
◆ 正向電壓 Forward voltage( VF): 0 ~ 20V
◆ 正向電流 Forward current(IF): 2 ~ 2000.0mA
◆ 反向電壓 Reverse voltage(VR): 1 ~ 20V
◆ 反向漏電流 Reverse current(IR): 0 ~ 2mA
◆ 光電特性 Optical/electrical characteristics: IF&VF/IF&IV/IF&ΦV
◆ 自動計算耗散功率和發光效率
Automatic test of power dissipation(PD)and luminous flux efficiency (ηV)
◆ 顯示模式:軟件通訊顯示或機表液晶屏顯示
Display mode: Either display in computer monitor through software
communication or in a instrument LED screen
◆ 電機工作模式 Motor operation mode: 連續或定角度測試 continuous test or oriented test
◆ 無繞線設計 No wiring design
◆ 探測器前置放大,V(λ)修正優於一級 Detector with preamp,Fine V(λ) corrected detector
◆ 操作系統 Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
