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出口Exports:臺灣、新回坡、馬來西亞、美國 1) If the product you have received are damaged, please take a photo of it and send to our e-mail. If the product is really damaged, we will check how much we need refund or a new replacement is ok, but the replace ment need you to bid another item from us,then we will send them to you together. Otherwise,you need to pay for the shipping of this replacement. 2) If you have bidded many items from us in a time , we will combine your shipping. 1) For the international express: We Ship the goods all over the world by UPS,EMS,DHL,FedEx,TNT,and so on .For dispatching smoothly and fast. We may ship items via other courier. The decision of us is final,it will take 5-10 days or more a little time to your side,and we will sometimes maybe delay some days,because of your Country Customhouse. 2)For the China Post Mail and HK Post Mail: if you only want the cheapest shipping and it is not urgent, you can select them if the order weight is under 2kg ,it will take 18-43 days or more ,please check the Risk Tips as following. 3)For the ocean carriage: when your goods order is more than 1Cube, and you are not too urgent for the goods,and you want to save the shipping cost more, please contact with us by email or trademanager, we will quote the shipping cost for you, and give you a price no including to the express cost. 4) 5) All the items can have Please choose the China Post or HongKong Post before, pay attention to and understand the risk point: 1) freight cycle is long Compare EMS or other kinds of shipping way, China Post and HongKong require longer transport cycle. Even arrived in Britain, the United States, Canada and other developed countries, aviation package also need 7 to 20 days, individual package transportation time may be longer, even a month or two month or more, and sometimes,the package return back to China. 2) packet loss rate is higher As a result of each country and area of post office for air parcel service level differences, and because the freight cycle is long, so easy to produce the lost package. 3) freight track with incomplete information Using China post and HK Post will appear that it can't check the whole post office freight track online, and affect the tracking accuracy and timeliness of the track. 4)Please inspect your parcel at the first time. If the parcel damaged, please sign the document of "Refuse to Receive" before the courier leave. After we received the damaged parcel, we will refund the Final Product Price. 5)If you can't receive the items within 60 days(some countries need be 90 days) and confirm to lose or return back,we will 選擇最合適的書包需要註意哪些問題? 1、選擇寬帶有墊肩的,可均勻地分散書包對人體的壓力,不會給背部和肩部造成過大的傷害。 2、要檢查書包裡面的各個部分,以分區較多的為好。這既可起到分門別類裝課本和各種文具的作用,還可使書包重量均勻。 3、書包上的口袋和網眼不要太多,否則容易被尖銳物鉤住,造成危險;要避免書包有太多金屬扣或金屬拉鏈,過多金屬配件除瞭會增加書包的重量外,還有可能對腰背造成傷害。 4、背囊的背部最好有軟墊, 軟墊有坑紋幫助散熱, 可令孩子在背著時不會 “汗流浹背” 。 5、考慮小書包。選擇能夠裝下孩子書本和文具的最小的書包。一般來說,書包不應比孩子的身體還寬;背在身上,書包底部不要低於孩子腰部 10 厘米。 6、考慮書包材質。選擇用輕質尼龍或帆布制成的書包。 7、永遠要記得一分錢一分貨,貴一定有貴的道理。 奧蘭奇orangeidea書包有哪些優點? 1、orangeidea書包的肩帶比較寬,肩帶內部有軟墊,有效減輕肩帶對孩子肩膀的壓力。 2、orangeidea書包99%的款式包內都有多格隔層,起到瞭分門別類裝課本的作用,還可使書包重量均勻。 3、orangeidea書包絕大部分書包背部有護脊軟墊模塊,即坑紋幫助散熱。 4、orangeidea書包外形都不大,容量大。小朋友背起來既不笨重,書包容量又夠裝。 5、orangeidea書包均采用瞭輕質尼龍面料,利於減輕書包對小朋友的負重 6、orangeidea書包具有一流品質、一流做工、一流外形設計。每個孩子都值得擁有(商品知識)
顏 色Color:可愛猴,綠小狗,小企鵝,黃蜜蜂,粉紅鼠,小青蛙,小斑馬,貓頭鷹,紅瓢蟲,紅狐貍, 藍大象11款
面 料Material:牛津帆布面料
尺 寸Size:寬25*厚10*高30(單位:CM)
