
  • 斯曼峰吸引器型號JX820D-1/急救吸引器報價/行情 便攜式吸引器
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    斯曼峰 急救吸引器 JX820D-1

    斯曼峰 急救吸引器 JX820D-1

    1. 采用負壓泵作負壓源,無油霧污染,可免去泵體的日常維護和保養,設備運行時壓力系統不會產生正壓。
    2. 采用交流、外接直流和機內電池三種供電方式,其中機內電池在充足情況下,JX820D急救吸引器可連續使用25分鐘以上、JX820D-1急救吸引器采用高性能鋰電池可連續使用60分鐘以上,並可反復充電,在病人轉運過程中使用可直接接在救護車等交通工具的點煙器(DC12V)上。
    3. 采用恒壓限流充電,可間斷累加充電,在外接AC100V~240V,50/60Hz或者DC 12V的情況下均可進行充電,有電池量分段指示。
    4. 通過管路上的負壓調節閥控制吸引時所需要的負壓值,並由面板上的真空表來顯示。
    5. 塑料外殼美觀、輕巧,攜帶方便,並具有墻掛式結構,可以安裝在房間內和交通工具上,也可以掛在輪椅車側面。

    1. 極限負壓值:≥0.08MPa (600mmHg)
    2. 負壓調節范圍:0.02MPa(150mmHg)~極限負壓值
    3. 抽氣速率:≥20 L/min
    4. 噪聲:≤65dB(A)
    5. 貯液瓶:1000mL(PC塑料)
    6. 電源:AC 100V~240V,50/60Hz;DC 12V
    7. 輸入功率:110VA
    8. JX820D-1外包裝尺寸:40.5cm×20cm×36cm
    9. JX820D-1毛/凈重:4.9/3.4kg


    1. Long life piston cylinder which requires no lubrication or daily maintenance produces no pollution to the environment.
    2. Provided with three kinds of electrical sources, AC100V~240V 50/60Hz, external DC12V, and internal battery, it can be conveniently used in many places.When the rechargeable internal batteries are full charged,Model JX820D can be used continuously more than 25 minutes,and for Model JX820D-1 more than 60 minutes. They may be attached to the cigar lighter (DC12V)directly when used on the vehicles such as ambulance.
    3. The internal battery is charged with constant voltage and limited current while the unit is working or being attached to AC100V~240V 50/60Hz or external DC 12V power supply. The capacity of the battery is respectively indicated by green, yellow and orange neons.
    4. Overflow protection device can safely and efficiently prevent the liquid from entering into pump. Bottles made of plastic material are transparent, durable and convenient for cleaning.
    5. Body made of plastic material is handy and beautiful. The wall-mounting frame make it widely used in the room, on vehicle and conveniently hung on the side of the wheelchair.

    1. Max Vacuum: ≥0.08MPa (600mmHg)
    2. Vacuum range : 0.02MPa ~ Max vacuum
    3. Flow rate : ≥20 L/min
    4. Noise :≤65dB(A)
    5. Jar capacity: 1000mL
    6. Operating voltage: DC 12V or AC 100V~240V 50/60Hz
    7. Input :110VA
    8. JX820D-1Battery duration on full charge: ≥60min
    9. JX820D-1Dimension: 405mm×200mm×360mm
    10. JX820D-1:G.W./N.W.:4.9/3.4kg

    斯曼峰吸引器型號JX820D-1/急救吸引器報價/行情 便攜式吸引器_手術專用設備_醫療設備_醫藥、保養_貨源_批發一路發
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