Mfr. Part Number | MFG | 型號規格書: | Description | Type | Type | Type | |
74LCXH2245 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage Bidirectional Transceiver with Bushold and 26 Ohm Series Resistors in B Outputs |
| Buffers, Drivers, Transceivers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74ABT16500 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 18-Bit Registered Bus Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs | Buffers, Drivers, Transceivers | Buffers, Drivers, Transceivers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LCX16500 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage 18-Bit Universal Bus Transceivers with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs | Buffers, Drivers, Transceivers | Buffers, Drivers, Transceivers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
NC7SZ74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | TinyLogic UHS D-Type Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
NC7SZ373 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | TinyLogic UHS D-Type Latch with 3-STATE Output | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC595 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Bit Shift Registers with Output Latches | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC595 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Bit Shift Register with Output Latches | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
NC7SZ374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | TinyLogic UHS D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Output | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC164 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Bit Serial-in/Parallel-out Shift Register | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC573 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 3-STATE Octal D-Type Latch | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC574 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 3-STATE Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LCX74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage Dual D-Type Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with 5V Tolerant Inputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC373 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 3-STATE Octal D-Type Latch | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC74A | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Dual D-Type Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
NC7SZ175 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | TinyLogic UHS D-Type Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
CD4013BC | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Dual D-Type Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC273 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Dual D-Type Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LCX573 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage Octal Latch with 5V Tolerant Input and Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC273 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC164 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Bit Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift Register | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HCT164 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Bit Serial-in/Parallel-out Shift Register | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
NC7SV74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | TinyLogic ULP-A D-Type Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC165 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Parallel-in/Serial-out 8-Bit Shift Register | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74AC273 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 3-STATE Octal D-Type Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LCX16374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage 16-Bit D-Type Flip-Flop with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74ACT74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Dual D-Type Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
CD4021BC | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Stage Static Shift Register | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74AC74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Dual D-Type Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74ACT574 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC373 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Latch with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LCX373 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage Octal Transparent Latch with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC573 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Latch with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LVTH16374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage 16-Bit D Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LCX16373 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage 16-Bit Transparent Latch with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74AC299 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Input Universal Shift/Storage Register with Common I/O Pins | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LCX374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HC259 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 8-Bit Addressable Latch/3-to-8 Line Decoder | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LVX74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage Dual D-Type Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74ABT16374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | 16-Bit D Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74F164A | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift Register | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
NC7SP74 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | TinyLogic ULP D-Type Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC574 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HCT573 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Latch | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74AC373 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal Transparent Latch with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
MM74HCT273 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D Flip-Flop with Clear | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74VHC374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74ACT374 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Octal D Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® | |
74LVX373 | 飛兆半導體Fairchild, | 型號規格書: | Low Voltage Octal Transparent Latch with 3-STATE Outputs | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Flip flops, Latches, Registers | Logic TinyLogic® |

