zoomies 望遠鏡 便攜式望遠鏡 TV產品 裝箱80PCS外箱規格:52X38X78CM 歡迎光臨,本店專營TV電視購物產品,專業為平臺賣傢提供小額批發,廠傢直銷,庫存充足,量大優惠。所有產品均為批發價格,有現貨 零售單買請慎重1-10個產品快遞運輸中有破損本店不負責退款退貨的哦註意看清楚謝謝........
機器放大倍數:4 | 結構:雙筒望遠鏡 | |
視場:3 | 加工定制:否 | |
型號:84 | 功能類型:變倍望遠鏡 | |
品牌:zoomies | 用途:玩具望遠鏡 | 裝箱數:80PCS |
.Provides 300% zoomed-in view with turn of a dial
2.Simply move your head to follow the action up close
3.Compact and fit in pocket or purse
4.Easy on,easy off sunshade lens built-in
5.Includes lanyard and protective carrying case
6.No need for bulky binoculars or magnifying glasses
7.Great for bird watching,sporting events,concerts & more
8.Also great for reading,sewing,crafts,watching TV & more
You want a closer look but the naked eye can only see so much, Squinting doesn't help and binoculars are big, bulky and expensive. Introducing Zoomies, the compact powerful hands-free binoculars you wear like sunglasses. Zoomies gives you instant 300% magnification that brings everything up close. With Zoomies enjoy Mother Nuture up close or use at sporting events. Say goodbye to heavy bincoulars that are hard to carry and can cause neck strain, Zoomies are so light you might even forget you have them on! You can also switch on the included sun shade to eliminate sunglare without having to put on sunglass. See what you
