1 、按下“ ACTION/ON ”電源鍵,打開電源。
1 、 Depress the power button “ ACTION/ON ” to turn the power on.
2 、按 下“ MODE ”模式鍵,切換選擇距離單位 M 米制或 Y 碼制。具有動態數據切換功能,即測回某一數據後, 按住 “模式”鍵,切換單位並自動轉換數據並實時顯示出來。
2 、 Depress the mode button to change “ Meters ” to “ Yards ” . Dynamic data switching function receive the data, hold down the "mode" button, switch units and automatically convert data and real-time show.
3 、按下“ ACTION/ON ”執行鍵 1 次,即可開始測距 1 次,右上角有模擬激光發射的標志在循環閃爍,表示正在發射激光。測回的數據顯示在正下方,同時顯示目標反射質量的高低指示,共分 5 級,從左到右由 5 個小塊組成,小塊越多表示反射越強。脫靶時顯示“――――” 4 個短橫線,表示目標太遠無法測回。數據顯示會一直保持直到下次操作或者自動斷電為止。
3 、 Press the "ACTION / ON" button one time, and begin Ranging 1, the top-right corner of a simulated laser flashes signs in the loop, said it is launching laser. The data show that measurement is in the bottom, also showed that objective reflection of the level of quality instruction, is divided into five, from left to right by five small components, small reflection that the more the stronger. Distance show "----" 4 short horizontal line, that goal can not be measured too far back. Data show that will remain until the next operation or the power of automatically.
4 、按住“ ACTION/ON ”執行鍵不松開,則立即開始進行掃描連續測距,測量數據不斷地刷新顯示,直到 松開按鍵為止。
4 、 Hold down the "ACTION / ON" button non-release, immediately began to scan for location, continuously updated measurements show that up until the release button
5 、當電池快用完時,會在左上角顯示一個電池符號,表示應該更換電池瞭。
5 、 When the battery is running low, in the upper left corner will display a battery symbol, that the battery should be replaced.
6 、在主界面下,電源將在無任何操作的約 30 秒後自動斷電。
6 、 In the main interface, power supply will be no operation automatically after about 30 seconds off.
