目數 | 200 | 名稱 | 硫酸鋁 |
型號 | 高溫型 | 品牌 | 紅育 |
化學成份 | 鋁 | 外觀 | 黃色 |
有效物質含量 | 99(%) | 含量 | 53(%) |
包裝規格 | 25公斤 | PH值使用範圍 | 1--14 |
執行質量標準 | 國標 | CAS | 0.1 |
鋁酸鈣粉※性能和特點: 鋁酸鈣粉是灰白色粉末。主要成份是二鋁酸鈣(CaO·2A1203)和一鋁酸鈣(CaO·A1203)的混合物.微溶於水,水溶液呈鹼性,PH值約為11。 鋁酸鈣粉與無機強酸反應活性很高,在常溫下即可啟動發生。且放熱量大,升溫快,氧化鋁的溶出率可達90%以上,用它做原料生產液體或固體聚合氯化鋁能簡化工藝,降低成本,提高產品質量,是目前國內外大多數聚合氯化鋁生產廠家所採用的原材料。 應用範圍: 鋁酸鈣粉主要用於生產聚合氯化鋁,硫酸鋁,鋁酸鈉等鋁鹽的產品。也可用於鹼化度的調整,還可用於耐火材料。 質量標準: 目前,我國尚無統一的質量標準,其生產檢驗等均按我公司O/GWDGS001—1999標準執行。 使用方法: 鋁酸鈣粉與鹽酸反應,可一步制得聚合氯化鋁.配合比按下式計算: WHcl=[2.147(1-B)·AAlo,·n十1.304Acao]。W/AHC 式中:WHCl一需投加的鹽酸重量Ke W-擬投加的鋁酸鈣粉重量Kg B-預期聚合氯化鋁產品鹼化度% Aal2O3-鋁酸鈣粉中氧化鋁含量% AcaO-鋁酸鈣粉中氧化含量% Ahc1-鹽酸中氯化氫含量% n-溶出率% 生產時,先將反應池中加水,開啟攪拌漿.然後定量加入鹽酸,稀釋至要求濃度後,再緩慢加入鋁酸鈣粉進行反應。反應過程中,池內溫度會逐漸升高。超過110℃時.可適量加水抑制.使反應不至於激烈而溢池。補加水要少量多次.保持正常所需溫度。加完鋁酸鈣粉,再反應2小時,用PH試紙測試大於3時,即可加水稀釋至密度為1.25—1,26,放料至沉澱池沉澱好後,上層清液即為液體產品,也可經乾燥機於燥,得到固體聚合氯化鋁產品。 運輸、包裝與存放: 本公司產品採用塑料編織袋包裝,每袋淨重50+1Kg 運輸和存放應保持於燥.防水、防潮.若遇水結塊,須經處理後再用。
Aluminum acid calcium powder celebrations performances and features: aluminum acid calcium powder is hoar powder. Main ingredients are two aluminium acid calcium (CaO 2A1203) and an aluminum, calcium, CaO (A1203) mixture. Slightly soluble in water, the water is alkalescent, PH value of about 11. Aluminum acid calcium powder and inorganic acid highly reactive, can start at room temperature. Heat and warming faster, alumina, the dissolution rate can reach 90%, and use it to produce liquid or solid effect can simplify process and reduce the cost, improve product quality, most determing production manufacturer of raw materials used. Application: mainly used in aluminum acid calcium powder production of aluminium, aluminium, aluminium polymerization sodium aluminum salt products etc. Also can be used for the adjustment, also can be used for refractory materials. At present, our quality standards: no unified standard of quality inspection, the production according to my company GWDGS001-1999 O/standards implementation. Method of use: aluminum acid calcium powder and hydrochloric acid, can step response of determing. Mix press type: WHcl = [2.147 (1 - B) AAlo · · n, 1.304 ten Acao]. W/AHC type: WHCl a need of adding weight to Ke W - hydrochloric acid calcium, aluminum powder weight Kg B - expected effect products Aal2O3 - aluminum basification degrees % calcium content in alumina powder AcaO % calcium powder in aluminum - Ahc1 - hydrochloric acid oxidation content % of hydrogen content % n - dissolving rate, production % reaction pool water, stir paste. Then add hydrochloric acid, diluted to quantitatively, request concentration slowly add aluminum acid calcium powder reaction. Reaction process, the temperature will increase gradually. More than 110 degrees. Appropriate reaction from water. Intense and overflow tank. Add up to maintain a normal temperature. For many times. Adds aluminum powder, calcium responses in 2 hours, more than 3 test paper PH, can add to the density of 125 - diluted 1,26, feeding and leaking precipitation, upper solution for liquid products, but also in the dryer, get solid determing the product. Transportation, packaging and storage products of our company: plastic woven bag packaging, net weight of each bag is 50 + 1Kg of transportation and storage should be kept in dry. Waterproof, moistureproof. If the water must be processed agglomerate, reoccup
