【Anna Mu】專屬於你!蕾絲四件套馬甲吊襪帶組 胸前採用滿滿的蕾絲, 替妳製造出豐滿的胸型, 並讓視覺焦點不自覺迷惑在妳那誘人的身軀上~ 沿著前胸而下交錯的黑色蕾絲緞帶, 不但優雅浪漫, 更可依照身型靈活調整~ 背後柔嫩的冰絲面料觸感非常滑順, 讓妳穿著在身也能感受到最溫柔的對待~ 垂涎欲滴的美麗,真叫人無法抗拒, 今晚, 好好放肆妳性感的魅力吧! ★商品規格說明★ ◆商品內容:一組4件包含馬甲式上衣x1+丁字褲x1+可拆可調式吊襪帶x1+貼心小禮-性感網襪一雙 * Jifuli Trading(Huizhou) CO.,LTDis asubsidiary ofHeng Jia Lin International Co.,.Heng Jia Lin International Co.,consists of twenty-six people altogether and lead as a strong professional operating team, which has already been founded for eighteen years now. With headquarters in Taiwan, the chain now consists of 16 different countries of online dealers nationwide. We specialized in selling lingerie series through manufacturing, planning, designing, sampling, shooting, photoshopping and marketing. We started to cultivate lingerie services since 1998 and so far it has been 14 years. 【公司支持】 1.公司提供圖文授權。 2.提供淘寶等購物網站數據包。 【供貨價】 分銷商供貨價: 1.商品零售價的六折; 2.公司包郵。 解釋:分銷所有的貨都在公司倉庫,一件代發。 淘寶分銷商申請網址:http://fenxiao.taobao.com/user/recruit.htm?supplierId=1074968&tab=2 批發商供貨價: 1. 20件以上零售價的4.5折; 2. 50件以上零售價的4折; 3.支持混批; 4.不包郵。 解釋:批發瞭貨之後,自己出郵費到你的倉庫。如果有顧客購買,再從你的倉庫發貨。 聯系人:施艷茹 工作QQ:1095319964或者1820095112 手機:15879900781或者15669560182
We are still expanding its core division abroad by building close partnership with passionate partners whom have the extensive fashion retailer and wholesaler experiences. In July, 2010, we have determined to utilize the experiences accumulated from the lingerie service and electronic commerce in order to allow this particular platform for our international buyers. We now welcome new comers who like to join us to promote our lingerie collections. Furthermore, our sales volume exceeded over 60,000 pieces per month. We are able to secure you on a monthly basis of 50 pieces wide range of our products.
Heng Jia Lin Internationalstrives to update the existing lingerie collections to keep up with our customer’s needs. Our collections consists an overall of 3000 pieces in selection to expand with the fashion trends and to ensure our customers are able to buy fashionable lingerie with excellent fit. Every photo was shot elaborately and copyrighted by the collaboration of our professional photographers with our beautiful models who have signed contract with us. We accept PayPal ecommerce business as an online payment.
Overall, we sincerely hope to give a contribution by offering sufficient lingerie collections and photos to our international partners so that we are able to enhance business performance together in success.
1. Our team specialized in selling lingerie series through manufacturing, planning, designing, sampling, shooting, photoshopping and marketing.
2. We have over 320 employees in the production line.
3. Our collections consists an overall of 3000 styles, and keep launching over 50 new styles per month.
4.The total amount of our storage is over U.S 1.7 million dollars.
5. We have gone into e-commerce for nearly 14 years, and we can provide you our experiences for online business to let you achieve success.
6.We are the leading Taiwanese specialty lingerie manufacturer, and have partnerships with over 16 countries worldwide.
7.Our monthly sales volume exceeded over 60,000 pieces.
8. We offer photos shot elaborately and copyrighted by the collaboration of our professional photographers with our beautiful models.
9.Our demand of minimum is only 20 pieces, and 10 pieces per style. So that you won't feel any stress of storage.
10.We accept PayPal ecommerce business as an online payment.
11.We provide professional consultant online services for our international partners