深圳市中輝盛電子商行是一傢專業的電子元件供應商,本著信譽、質量、價格優勢在行業立足,具有多年的集成電器銷售經驗,我們憑著自己的實力在廣大客戶的支持下進行銷售,且得到廣大客戶的信賴, 至今已成為國內眾多廠傢的指定供貨商,為公司主要產品線。廣泛用於消費類,電子領域,特別在偏冷門及軍工品領域有絕對優勢。公司擁有專業的配套及技術支持的高素質隊伍。為滿足和解決客戶急需,公司常年大量備貨,部分國外現貨,以準確快捷交貨。 公司成立以來,以人才求發展,以質量和服務為企業生存之本,堅持薄利多銷的原則贏得瞭廣大用戶一致好評。我們的產品質量使您放心,價格使您稱心,服務使您舒心,我們的優點是:貨源充足、型號齊全、質量保證、價格合理. 熱烈歡迎廣大客戶來電咨詢、洽談惠顧. 期待與你攜手,共創輝煌未來。 主營業務: 主營: 直插八腳 光耦 DIP SOP 二三極管 場效應等,可接受配單,敬請垂詢!
銷售一部;蘇小姐 蘇先生
銷售二部;趙先生 蘇小姐
咨詢電話: 0755-33060853 0755-33125138 0755-83951813 0754-84503671
非值班手機: 13480103950 13421310323 13502709671
MSN:[email protected]
傳真: 0755-83958520
EMail:[email protected]
公司櫃臺: 深圳市福田區華強北賽格高科德電子市場1樓12260
Zhonghuisheng Electronics Co.,Ltd is a professional electronic components supplier which has won the general customers trust and the support by the actual benefit price ,the high quality ,and the good post-sale service.Zhonghui has been the appointed supplier and main product line for many manufactories until now. Our product is widely applied to fields of consumption, electronics,and esp.to cold products and war industry . There is a qualified team with professional technology in our company. To meet the urgent needs of customers, our company prepares abundant goods all year long and partial of them are goods in merchandise.
We make "person with ability for development; Quality and service for survival; Stick to small profits but quick returns "as our tenet.In this way , we achieved many good comments.
Our advantages: Abundant product, complete Model No., good quality and reasonable price. Welcome to contact us and do business with us.
Main business: IC series of DIP-8 ; Optical Coupler; DIP Package; SOP Package , Diode,Audion,and Field-Effect Transistors.
Welcome to your contact.
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