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    商品代碼: 1643614
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    您好,我公司可按客戶要求專業開模並負責生產各種塑料制品,歡迎貴司有機會來我司實地考察和具體洽談,以下是我司的大致介紹: 浙江黃巖中亞模業有限公司成立於1988年,目前公司已為國內十幾傢大型企業配套合作的生產廠傢,海外客戶遍佈二十多個國傢和地區,公司於2001年已通過國際ISO9001質量體系認證機構認證。秉承於高素質人才,專業化的產品開發、設計、制造和模具成型。現擁有註塑機群從事專業的註塑加工,自動化的生產設備,品質要求嚴格,堅持“技術領先、信譽第一”的宗旨,力求為顧客提供質優價廉的產品和服務。 本公司專業設計制造各類大、中型註塑模具,立足傢電,兼顧汽摩、日用品 ,並擁有120噸至1200噸註塑機群從事註塑加工。經過長期實踐,本公司已對註塑模具設計、加工、試模、生產等總結出瞭一套成功經驗,並對熱流道技術、氣輔成形技術、模內貼膜註塑技術及熱處理工藝等模具行業必備的輔助技術有瞭較充分地認識和全面掌握,走在瞭同行的前列。 公司另外主要經營業務:浮潛平臺、公園遊艇碼頭、摩扥艇碼頭、水上遊泳池、水上小木屋、釣魚平臺、網箱養殖結構等 本公司的“福洛特組合模塊式浮動平臺”早就聞名於世,並且用作水上娛樂、浮橋、遊艇碼頭、浮橋式貨物木排、休息區和水面直升機場。   這一結構實際上是可拆卸安裝平臺,由固定的浮筒進行規格的特種固定裝置進行相互固定的單獨浮動組件組成。   早在1973年,此結構已經在地中海、普吉島、黑海和波羅的海、貝加爾湖和莫斯科河成功應用,現在,組合模塊式浮動結構在所有技術發達國傢中都得到瞭普遍使用。 公司遵循以人為本、制度管理、精益求精、積極進取的管理理念,本著“依靠科技、優化整體、精進品質、用戶稱心”的質量方針,為廣大客戶提供優質的產品和優良的服務。 公司熱忱歡迎與各界朋友攜手合作、共謀發展。 主要經營業務: 電冰箱、 電視機 、電腦、 電風扇、 電熨鬥、 電熱器、 電動工具、 洗衣機 、空調、 各款汽車中網,保險桿等、 摩托車、 飲水機、桌椅、浮桶、醫療器材、日常傢庭塑料制品和辦公塑料模具制品及浮潛平臺、公園遊艇碼頭、摩扥艇碼頭、水上遊泳池、水上小木屋、釣魚平臺、網箱養殖結構等所需的相關產品。

    Our company specilizes in designing and manufacturing all kinds of big-sized or medium-sized injection moulds.We also produce home appliance,auto&moto and household goods,and we engage in injection processing by 120T-1200T injection moulds.Now our company has cooperated with more than ten big-sized domestic home appliance corporations.And the oversea customers spread all over more than 20 countries and regions.
    Our company has well-found equipments.Our operation tenet:the technique lead,the reputation first.We do our best to provide the superior product and service for the customers.We have summarized a successful experience of designing,processing,attempting and manufacturing of injection moulds by a long period of practice.And we know and master the assistant technology which the moulds industries have to prepare,including heat flowing technique,gas assistant shaped technique,adhibit mould inside of mould injection technique and heat treatment technique.We precede in craft brother.
    Our company covers 20000 square meters of area now, and we have 130 employees,including 13 mould design engineers,40 locksmith technicians and skilled workers,45 machine tool and plastic mould machine workers,9 quality manufacture and assistant manufcture personnels and more than 20 business and logistic administrants.
    Our company passed the quality ISO9001-2000 system attestation in 2001,and obtained self-support export right.Now approximately we can produce 500 sets of moulds every year.The production value is about 2,000,000$every year,including 45% sale in domestic mraket and 55% export.We produce plastic fittings which value is 2,200,000$ for domestic and ovresea customers every year.

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i