| | | 面 料 | 意大利PVC面料 | 裡 襯 | 絲光棉佈 | 結 構 | 大物件袋1個 拉鏈隔層袋1個 相機袋1個 手機袋1個 | 規 格 | 長35×高27×寬6 手提帶12 | 容 量 | 13寸筆記本電腦 | 重 量 | 0.55KG | 品 牌 | 瑪維斯/Marvelous | 貨 號 | M199-2 | 用途 | 手提、單肩、斜挎 |
| | |
| | | 最佳紳士,男士首先,領銜職場 The best man gentleman, first, lead the workplace |
| | | 特殊工藝處理,保持瞭PVC面料的天然紋理和質感,超強的防水性,可塑性,柔韌度高 A special process, maintain PVC fabric with natural texture and texture, strong water resistance, plasticity, high flexibility |
| | | 象征著樂觀向上的生活態度,代表著卓越,與眾不同 Symbolizes the optimistic attitude towards life, represents excellence, out of the ordinary |
| | | 氣宇軒昂引領時尚潮流品質,盡顯男人本色 Have an imposing appearance fashion quality, show the qualities of a man |
| | | 歐美時尚 品質高檔 造就成功男式的典范 High quality to create a successful men's fashion model |
| | | 搭配高檔優雅,時尚大方,質感十足 With elegant high-end, fashion generous, full texture |
| | | 結實的金屬環扣加粗處理,可承受較大的承重,放心放入大量物品 Solid metal rings bold treatment, can bear larger weight, ease into a large number of articles |
| | | 優質的金屬扣,扣身厚重結實,有效增加包包的承重 High quality metal buckle, buckle body of the massive, effectively increase the package bearing |
| | | 優質的五金拉鏈,經過特殊加固,耐用不退色,滑動自如,品位高雅 High quality metal zipper, through a special reinforcement, durable non-fade, slide freely, elegant taste |
| | | 立體的LOGO,采用先進的意大利冷燙技術,清晰自然,彰顯高檔品味 Stereo LOGO, the use of advanced technology of Italy cold, clear and natural, highlight the high-end taste |
| | | 肩帶采用優質絲光帆布,經久耐用,表面光滑亮澤 Strap using high quality mercerized canvas, durable, glossy surface |
| | | 合理的佈局,超大的容量,使包包更加人性化實用化 Reasonable layout, large capacity, so that the bag is more humanized practical |