- 類型:其它
- 控制形式:其它
- 安裝形式:其它
- 布局形式:其它
- 產品類型:其它
佛山市南海區聯安金屬制品廠,成立于1989年,是專門的五金沖壓拉伸企業,地處珠三角腹地,距廣州中心城區僅15公里,佛山市區僅4公里,臨近G321國道,S82高速,廣三高速和廣佛高速,交通十分便利。本廠占地5500平方米,廠房面積3000多平方米,具有數十臺16噸到200噸的液壓拉伸機和沖床。具有模具開發、設計能力且周期短,質量優.工廠更具備數名資深技術員和車床、 磨床、銑床、線割機等模具設備.加工能力強大,能滿足不同廠家的需要.我廠最大優勢體現在深拉伸,縮管漲管方面,多年來一直為多家廠商提供出口燈飾五金配件、小家電配件,技術出眾,質量保證。本廠本著以客戶為中心的服務方針,先后為多家美資、日資、臺資企業等眾多客戶提供服務,以工藝優良、供貨及時質量上乘、服務周到,收費合理而受贊譽。
優勢:沖壓 拉伸 金屬加工
Lianan Metal Products Manufacturer, in the field of professional metal punching, cold rolling and stretching. Our products are parts of household appliance, light fittings, small hardware, bathroom hardware and architecture. We are located in the heart of the Pearl River Delta and 15km away Guangzhou, 8km away Foshan.
We have set up in 1989, covering an area of 3000 square meters and the workshop area is over 5500 square meters.We have dozens of 25 tons to 150 tons grinding machines,milling machines, die-cutting machines to meet the needs of different manufacturers.
Our motto is Customer-Focus, Quanlity-Oriented and Honesty. We provide excellent quality, punctuality,considerate service and reasonalbe prices to serve our customers. Also, we welcome you to cooperate with us or ask us to help process according to your requirement.
優勢:沖壓 拉伸 金屬加工
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