- 產品品牌:長興五金
- 產品型號:Z5
深圳市長興彈簧有限公司成立于 1996年,專營各類精密彈簧、五金配件 我公司采用全電腦化系統,設有各種電腦自動化彈簧機及周邊測試儀器,隨著高科技產業的發展,我們不斷引進更多先進機器,大大提高產品質量確保客戶訂單依期完成,我公司有一批富有經驗的員工及完善生產系統。期望雙方加強合作,加強國際競爭力,我公司歡迎貴公司來圖或樣生產。產品使用于多個行業如:電子,儀器,汽配,工藝品,機械設備,雨傘,禮品,發飾,等等,公司現客戶群已經遍布珠三角地區,以及香港,臺灣,公司一直貫徹品質第一,效率第一,價格優惠,以滿足客人所有需求為己任的經營理念,不斷創新,堅持攻克所有技術難題,已達到另客人滿意的工作態度對待產品和顧客,長興彈簧前身是線成型制造廠,后引進CNC電腦數控彈簧機,在線成型領域享有很高的評價,目前已有高效線成型生產機 60余臺,后又發展五金沖壓,公司內設沖壓車間,專業生產各類電池彈簧片
聯系電話:15013737783 陳先生 竭誠為您服務
Shenzhen city Changxin spring limited company was founded in 1996, the franchise of various types of precision springs, metal parts, our company is fully computerized system, a variety of computer automatic spring machine and its testing apparatus, with the development of high-tech industries, we continue to introduce more advanced machinery, improve the product quality greatly ensure that customer orders in accordance with the period is completed, I have a company group of experienced staff and improve the production system. We hope that both sides strengthen cooperation, enhance international competition ability, our company welcome your drawings or sample production. Products used in many industries such as: electronic, instrument, auto parts, handicrafts, machinery and equipment, umbrellas, gifts, hair accessories, and so on, the company customers have been all over the Pearl River Delta region, as well as Hongkong, Taiwan, the company has been carrying out the quality first, efficiency first, price concessions, to meet customer demand as its mission to the business philosophy of all, continuous innovation, adhere to overcome all the technical problems, has reached the other guests satisfaction toward the work of product and customer, formerly known as Changxin spring lines forming manufacturing factory, after the introduction of CNC computer numerical control spring machine, online into type in the area enjoy a high rating, at present already efficient line molding machine more than 60 Taiwan, and development metal stamping, the company set up stamping workshop, specializing in the production of various types of battery spring plate
