廣州駿特鞋廠,源於1992年,坐落在環境優美,交通便利, 經濟發達的中國第三大城市——廣州。19年來,我廠對外依托良好的經濟環境,對內追求專業精良的產品和嚴格的管理,堅持為客戶提供滿意的產品和服務,追求共榮共贏,建立穩定長期的合作關系。
我廠主要生產EVA 拖鞋,沙灘拖鞋,人字拖鞋,產品主要銷往歐美日本等市場,在提供OEM服務的同時,我廠也註重創建自主品牌,目前已經擁有克馬註冊商標。我們用良好的質量,合理的價格和誠信的作風,贏得瞭廣大客戶的信賴。
Guangzhou Junte Shoes Factory was established in 1992, located in
the third largest of ChinaGuangzhou, beautiful environment,
convenient transportation and industry development. For 19 years,
we specialized in EVA slippers, beach slippers, flip flops, and our
products mainly are exported to European, America, Japan, etc.
Excluding OEM service, we noted self brand and have our own
registered brand, “KEMA”.Our clients are satisfied for our high
quality, reasonable price and faith & honesty and we do believe we
will have a long term good cooperation relationship.
