LEVELTRONIC NTLEVELTRONIC NT電子水平儀可進行導軌幾何誤差等平面測量。在惡劣工廠環境下仍可無誤差的使用,靈敏度高達0.001mm/m.
LEVELTRONIC NTin combination with LEVELMETER 2000 is extremely suitable for precision measurements of small angles. Such measurements are particularly flatness measurements on surface plates or the measuring of geometrical features on machines of all kind.
The new sensor cell made of ceramic materials and equipped with High Tech electronics allows perfect applications even under extremely difficult environmental conditions with high air humidity or in the rough environment of a workshop.
• Precise zero-point adjustment from theLEVELMETER 2000connected
• Sturdy, precisely machined aluminium housing for protection against external influence. Complies with the high requirements of the CE normalisations and other international standards in respect of immunity against electromagnetic contamination
• Fully digitalised signal evaluation with electronic components of the latest technology, provides a digital as well as an analogue signal output
• Possibility for connection to the digital hand terminal LEVELMETER 2000 enabling direct linking to a PC and the measuring softwareLEVELSOFT PRO
• Powered by LEVELMETER 2000 or optionally with standardbatteries 1.5 V, size AA
• All standard measuring bases available
• Factory calibration possible in [Arcsec] or in [μm/m]
