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    【SPA禮品】Anti Wrinkle眼貼/去眼袋眼貼/提拉緊致眼貼/精油眼貼
    商品代碼: 134301
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    居家SPA禮品優選:日韓配方新型眼貼,可印LOGO,可設計為套盒。 薰衣草凝乳眼貼半透明的凝乳質地,富含金縷梅等植物萃取成分及水解植物蛋白、薰衣草精油、玫瑰精油、白藜蘆醇,促進細胞新陳代謝、抵抗自由基、抗氧化,可有效改善眼部浮腫、衰老、黑眼圈現象。使用方法:清潔眼部后將眼貼膜貼在眼部皮膚上,輕輕按壓,使眼貼膜與眼部皮膚緊密接觸,30-60分鐘后,揭去眼貼膜,敏感皮膚慎用。 Anti-Aging Under Eye Hydro-Gel Patches(contains 5 patches)Anti-Aging Hydro-Gel Eye Patches are practical and effective SOS treatments for tired, dull, dark circles, and fine lines. Promote beauty by boosting the micro-circulation of the under eye skin. Hydro-Gel Eye Patches are enriched with essential oil. Hyaluronic Acid intensely hydrates to plump the skin, diminishing the signs of wrinkles and crows feet, enhancing the appearance of youthful eyes. Lavender essencial oil with the anti-oxidant properties of Grape and Vitamin B3 boost your skin radiance. Enjoy softer, smoother and firmer skin.     Hydro-Gel delivers essential oil and ingredients more efficiently .Eye serum improve circulation and the appearance of the under eye and eye lid areas. Anti-Aging eye treatment patches and eye serum make a great Anti-Aging Under-Eye Hydro-Gel SPA Treatment. Ingredients:Essential oil, Hyaluronic Acid, Natural Moisturizing glycerin, Aloe vera, Vitamin B3, Allantoin Anti-oxidant properties of Grape , Vitamin B3 How to apply Under Eye PatchesOn clean skin apply eye serum to under eye and eye lid area with a light touch of the pad of one finger, to hydrate deeply. Next apply one patch to one under eye area adjusting it to cover the corner and under the eye. Then apply the patch to the other eye area. Leave on for 30 minutes. Gently remove the patch.  配搭眼霜效果加倍Beautiful Anti-Aging Eyes Set Complete Eye Care Anti-Aging Program Everyone has problems with tired eyes , Eye Patch treatment gives you a 30 minuet pick up that refreshes and brightens the eyes. Under eye bags need help; turn to Under Eye Hydro-Gel Patch Set, worn for 30 minutes will refresh and soften under eye problems. If your eye lids are starting to sag; use the Eye Hydro-Gel patch for firming and toning the eye lid. One thirty minuet treatment with Under Eye Hydro-Gel Patch helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, under eye bags, dark circles, improve skin tone and texture. Retail Price 5 patches: $7.50   國外同類產品售價:$49~19 (美金哦!)SAME TYPE  HYDRO-GEL EYE PATCH$49~19 /PACK   廣州花釀健康用品用品公司依托強大的配方研發背景,完善的出口醫療器械廠家產品水準(廣州市拜澳生物科技有限公司),與智利ROSAFARM蘿琳春芳品牌合作,專注于向中國推介具有國際水準的純植物/天然/有機護膚品、美容院產品和日化產品。    品牌依托和研發所在地:廣州市拜澳生物科技有限公司位于廣州科技創新基地,云集和匯聚了各大廣東省科研院校的研發單位,各大留學人員創業的高新民營企業。從原料的尖端低溫提取到國際配方的研發,都凝聚了科技的最新結晶。廣州科技創新基地位于廣州科學城中心區的東南側---廣州科學城攬月路80號。基地由綜合服務樓、會議樓、光電子孵化區、生物醫藥區、納米新材料及其它孵化區等組成。總用地面積40571平方米,總建筑面積80770平方米。廣州科技創新基地是廣州科學城孵化區的龍頭,是整合廣州開發區社會科技創新服務資源的重要載體,主要吸引國內外具有先進科技水平的項目進行研發、中試及產業化,是集研發、技術成果交易與產品展示等多功能為一體的綜合性科技孵化器。生物醫藥類科研方向包括植物尖端低溫提取、配方開發、兒童醫療器械生產也是基地的主要產業類型之一。  OUR FACTORY IN SCIENCE CITY GZ 

    【SPA禮品】Anti Wrinkle眼貼/去眼袋眼貼/提拉緊致眼貼/精油眼貼_精油_香料、香精_精細化學品_貨源_批發一路發
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