產品圖片 |
新款WIFI無線行車記錄器橫空出世,獨傢私模,外觀小巧迷你,歡迎各外貿公司洽談合作。 |
產品參數說明 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WiFi Cam 應用市場:
WiFi Cam application market:
Key words abbreviation: 3Gthe third wireless internet WiFiWiFi wireless internet Direct modecamera can use asWiFi access,and thoughmobile phone or PCsearchEasyEye ’open internet Router modecamera join inother WiFi access point to connect to public internet. Local modeclient direct searchlocal camera ,you canview local camera directly,camera’s password only can configuration in local mode for safety. Service modeclient through sieves to inquiry camera status,view video in services management,you can view camera at anywhere. P2Pclient connect camera directly,no need servicesto transfer ,operate and view. Relayclient through services transfer to realize view camera .camera have to use this mode if many people view the same cameraat the same time.
Frist,structural representation:
8、USB9、cloud mode 10、direct mode 11、video mode 12、photo mode 13、lanyard hole 14、bracket holder Second ,button function operation
c)two camera mode operation(need plug SD card)
Press Mode to enter video mode
Take photo mode Press Mode to enter photo mode,pressACTION one time to take a picture,and speaker horn one time。
D)two wireless mode
Before use wireless mode,please install below software: iOS mobile terminal APPsoftware: App Stores download【fvsc】or disk installation。 Adriod mobile terminal APP software and PC software: from our website download【fvsc】or disk installation。
Direct mode (local mode)
Local mode main use in camera ‘s installation,configuration and local view ,WiFi camera direct connect with mobile phone to monitor,real time video,camera setting
Cloudmode(service mode) Cloud modeuse in camera support anytime and anywhere to view,WiFi camera through access point(wireless router)to connect cloud service,mobile through internet to realize real -timevideo,talk and monitor.
Cloud mode (internet) is payment service Through our serviceto supportlong distance real time monitor ,service vendor willcollect every WiFicamera relevant service charge every year.
Third WiFi function operation guide
Adriodsystem user A.through mobile phone point to point First,short press power,press mode switch to direct mode and confirm LED status indicate right Second,open smart phone’s WiFi function,search“EasyEye”and click join in. Third,click the VSC software installed in the mobile phone,then a WiFi camera in the list,as below
Main menu
WiFi camera local list Fourth,click the camera name in the list to view real time video
Above 4 steps operation to aim at no other useful WiFi access point(such as injourney,field trips and other no any WiFi acess point)
B.Through wireless router WiFi join in to view,mobile phone can suff internet or video monitor . You have to known the router’SSID and password if though router to view,WiFi camera support such encryption mode as WEP,WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK,don’t support Enterprise encryption mode ,if your WiFi access point configuration not above mode,please change you configuration
Frist,short press power to power on,press mode to switch cloud mode and confirm LED status indicate right. Second.open smart phone’s WiFi function.search“EasyEye”access point and click to join in. Third,click the VSC software installed at the mobile phone,enter main menu and select local mode,then you can see a WiFi camera in the list,as below
Fourth,hold the name in the list to pop up a new window,as below
Fifth,selectconfigurated camera,as below
Seventh,input password,WiFi camera factory password is 123456,so app default is 123456,if you change the WiFi camera personal password,input the new password here,name you can input by yourself(for example WiFi camera in finance office,camera name can named finance office,connivent to use),after input click change.
Eights,repeat the fourth,select “storage camera”,here display the contends in the seven step,no need to change,click “add”will be ok. Ninth ,repeat the fourth, select switch internet,as below
Then click WiFi access point andinput password to completeconfiguration ,then WiFi camera will auto self restart,if WiFi access point not setting password,it will direct complete switch andnot pointyou to input password.
Every WiFi camera have only ID ,the default password is 123456,after join in suggest to adit it at “camera personal password”in APP configuration
Ifforget password or wrong input cannot connect WiFi,in power on mode,press modebutton5 s to recovery the default password 123456,and repeat above steps.
After above steps completed,mobile phone can though router connect WiFi cameraview real timevideo,and through 3G or WiFiview WiFi camerareal time video in any time and anywhere(other place included)
If youon business outside,pleaseservers mode to operate an view. IOS apple system user A direct through mobile phonepointto point view
First:short press power button to power on,press mode button switch to direct mode and confirm LED status indicate right. Second: open iphone ’s WiFi function,search“EasyEye”Access point and click to join in. Third,click the VSC software installed at the mobile phone,enter main menu and select local mode,then you can see a WiFi camera in the list,as below
After Click join inWiFi camera and self restart ,about 45s,click VSC software to view real time video,if you purchaseinternet service,you can through 3Ginternet or WiFi to view camera real time video in anytime and any where.
If you on business outside,please click service mode in the main menu to operate and view.
Four APP function button
180 degreeRevolving image Takepicture(no need SD card,picture store in mobile phone,adriod store inexistent installation document Video recording(need SD card) Long distance start video recording(need SD card) Long distance start mobile detection video recording(need SD card) Two-way voice talk Press mobile phone talk button can open the mobile phone microphone,talk back to WiFi camera,when talking WiFi camera ’microphone is mute.
Five camera indicate light
Note:slow twinkle meanslight 0.5s on,1s off;1uick twinkle means light 0.2s on ,0.5s off.
WiFi camera specification Image sensorHD720P/30fps lensaperture; F2.2FOV:100 degree wide-angle,scope;25cm---+∞ wirelessIEEE802.11 b/g/n Wireless modedirect mode /cloud mode PC WiFi videoVGA 640x480 Mobile WiFi videoVGA 640x480 Storage mediaMicro SD/SDHC/SDXC(up to 32GB) batterybuild in lithium battery PC System needs, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/ 7/8 Intel /AMD Duo CPU or above 1GB system memory 2GB free space on hard disk USB2.0/3.0interface
Mobile phone Apple iOS: 4.0 above Android:2.2/2.3/4.Xabove |
配件全傢福: |




物流/快遞說明 |
1、關於發貨時間:少量現貨采購的,自付款之日起48小時內發貨;大量采購的,另行商議。 2、關於斷貨:我們有充足的現貨保證,少數情況下有個別產品出現斷貨我們會在交易前告知買傢,一般情況3-7天即可補充貨源,如果買傢已經付款出現斷貨我們會第一時間通知買傢,然後與買傢協商是否等待數天,或者立即退款。 3、退換貨註意事項:換貨、退貨請先與我們在線客服或者電話聯系確認,在我方不知情的情況下自行退貨我司將拒收。銷售客服接待有關退換貨事項,在符合退換貨標準的情況下即可受理。請務必按我公司指定的物流方式發回給我們,不接受到付件(如應我方支付運費的,會將運費返還),倉庫接到退回產品後將進行清點、檢測,然後安排寄送換貨產品。請您務必保存好與我公司業務往來的單據、憑證,以便於我們核對,感謝合作! |
聯系方式 |
聯系地址:深圳市寶安區龍華工業東路品創工業區 聯系電話:0755-27585655 傳真號碼:0755-27585655 騰訊QQ:269951416 |
公司簡介 |
“深圳市米納科技有限公司”創立於2007年,位於深圳市寶安龍華工業東路科技園6樓,工廠面積2600平方米,員工人數180多名。是一傢集研發、生產、銷售影音與移動電源拓展類尖端產品為一體的專業型高新科技民營企業。主要從事行車記錄器、移動電源、WIFI領域產品和超前高端等產品的技術研究、產品開發、設計制造、生產銷售及技術服務、技術咨詢。 公司以雄厚實力,精心打造瞭“米納”品牌產品是為瞭打開國內市場大門的先驅者和領導者,讓國內市場能擁有更先進更前衛的產品。現公司具有研發專業人才,電子高級工程師5人,開發工程師3人,ID工程師5人,平面設計師3人等為主的骨幹專業團隊共20多人。產品研發人員中不缺乏重點科研碩士學歷學位工程師和豐富的產品研發經驗、技術支持、技術服務、技術咨詢現場經驗的高級工程人員,此乃我公司重中之重的核心力量和企業之本! 公司著眼於高新前沿技術,引導著產品化的變革,致力於行車記錄器、移動電源、WIFI數位類產品和高端產品技術的研發應用、產品設計、生產工藝與市場信息化的分析,按照市場的信息規劃產品外形設計和實用性技術上的改進,從而促進產品在市場中的前衛性、實用性和穩定性。 公司建立瞭全面質量管理體系,實行全過程、全員質量網絡化管理。在產品研發、設計、生產上執行嚴格的質量標準,確保產品質量的穩定性。產品質量以市場檢驗和用戶滿意為準則。推行打造“米納”品牌精品,追求顧客滿意”的質量方針。 公司實施以“科技研發和產品質量為主、顧客滿意和市場信息化為輔”的發展戰略。擁有多項自主知識產權,擁有60多款私模產品,具有良好的發展基礎和廣闊的市場前景。企業以每月推出幾款自主開發專利產品和最前衛技術緊密結合的產品,使我們在行業中具有“領導者”優勢。使我們企業和代理商、經銷商客戶、OEM商、ODM商以及全球合作夥伴們牽手在行車記錄器、移動電源、wifi類產品和高端產品行業中創造一個市場國際圈子。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨“深圳市米納科技有限公司”參觀、指導和業務洽談。追求完美的創意產品是米納企業人的理想。 總經理致詞:“心有多大,世界就有多精彩---創意無極限。 企業宗旨:創意無極限 步伐永在前 企業經營理念:品質第一,客戶至上;相輔相成,共創繁榮。 品牌理念;創意無極限,用電無界限! 企業團隊協作理念:像雄鷹一樣矯健翱翔,像大雁一樣相互遠航。 |
