ElaserE光射頻美容儀.美容E光機,冷光美容機,Elaser冷美容儀器ElaserE optical frequency beauty instrument. Beauty E-ray machine, cold beauty machine, Elaser cold beauty equipmentFE3005型多功能E光機(IPL+RF )配置, 雙屏控制,下屏幕為觸摸屏控制E光部分,上屏幕為觸摸屏控制拉皮部分. 標配三個治療槍:一個嫩膚,一個脫毛槍,一個拉皮槍。電波拉皮RF射頻既不是激光也不是IPL(彩光,光子)而是非常類似微波的電磁波,但不是微波。射頻(簡稱RF)美容技術是一種非手術,準醫學的全心美容方法,最常用于面部提升護理。RF射頻美容可以拉緊皮下深層組織和收緊皮膚,達到使下垂或者松弛的面部重新提升的效果。工作原理RF射頻波直接穿透皮膚,利用皮膚形成的電阻作用于產生能量,使得皮膚底層的溫度間升高,利用真皮層膠原蛋白質收緊及刺激膠原蛋白質增生的原理,具有及時提升緊膚及持久膠原蛋白質再生兩大療效,在治療后2-6個月中膠原蛋白質會逐漸增生,重整,使得不垂或者松弛的皮膚得到提升緊縮。電波拉皮能達到的效果緊致肌膚 皮膚拉提 肌膚細致 臉形雕塑 瘦身減肥 收腹提臀射頻和熱燒融射頻最佳生物熱效應頻率為0.6-8MHz,極變速度最大為每秒8百萬次組織內帶電的粒子在電極快速的變換中以相同的頻率變換方向真皮組織自然抵抗射頻電流從而產生了熱能。電波拉皮的優點和功效:優點:① 非手術;② 非侵入;③ 不流血;④ 無痛;⑤ 無痕;⑥ 無創;⑦ 無須恢復期;⑧ 治療時間短(1-8次,每次20分鐘-50分鐘);⑨ 見效時間快(當時可以達到20%的效果,2-6個月可達到90%的效果);⑩ 保持時間長(注:膠原蛋白產生到衰敗一般是3-5年)? 功效:① 代替并超越手術拉皮;②收緊松弛的皮膚;③祛除真性、假性皺紋;④修復妊娠紋;⑤治療青春痘; ⑥全身抗衰老(頸、背部收緊修形,胸形調整上提,腰腹周塑形,塑造臀形、腿形)RF電波射頻技術,它的成功引進為廣大追求完美的成功人士提供了一條便捷安全的年輕化途徑。E光部分:治療優勢1、♦采用進口藍寶石晶體,“制冷控制系統,光頭溫度可調2、♦純進口的藍寶石導光晶體,光頭終身使用,無須更換3、♦超強過濾系統和自動控溫功能保障了治療的安全、高效、快捷.4、♦全注塑外殼,防漏電、抗干擾,晶體系統更穩定.5、♦大水箱設計,散熱效果更好,持續工作時間長.6、♦非介入無痛苦治療,術后可當場洗臉化妝,不影響正常工作生活.7、♦帶有水溫檢測系統,超過臨界點,將自動發出警告。8、♦進口寶石晶體導光系統,冷卻性能更好,更舒適,更持久。.9、♦以色列*半導體冷卻系統,給皮膚表皮提供-10度。10、♦多功能E光機:脫毛,嫩膚,祛斑.祛紅血絲,祛皺紋,解決皮膚問題。11、♦治療頭按照人體工程學設計,更小巧,更方便,減少操作者疲勞。12、♦采用美國8倍大氣壓光源。13、♦外殼采用高純度工程ABS塑料,防漏電,更安全。14、♦三大冷卻系統*以色列*半導體+水冷+風冷,外加冷凝膠冷卻,更科學。E光(IPL+RF)部分參數:♦電源:AC220V±10%,5A,50Hz (可選配110V,50/60Hz)♦主機尺寸:52cm×58cm×121cm ♦包裝尺寸: 64cm×65cm×130cm♦首脈寬(首脈沖):1-30MS ♦首延時:1-30MS♦子脈寬(輔脈寬):1-30 MS ♦子延時(輔延時):1-30MS♦脈沖數1-15個 ♦頻率(脈沖周期):1S,2S,3S ♦計數器:主機計數 ♦光斑面積:10×40mm ♦能量密度:1-50J/CM2 ♦電源功率1000W ♦凈 重 量:45KG ♦毛 重:56KG本儀器免費保修一年(燈保兩萬次),終身維護。 FE3005 E-light machine multifunction E (IPL + RF) configuration, dual control, the screen is touch-screen control E-ray part of the screen is touch-screen control on the lift section.Gun comes standard with three treatment: a rejuvenation, a hair removal gun, the gun of a lift.RF RF RF power is neither a laser nor IPL (IPL, photons) but very similar to the microwave electromagnetic waves, but not the microwave.Radio frequency (referred to as RF) technology is a non-cosmetic surgery, cosmetic method of prospective heart medicine, most commonly used to enhance facial care.RF radio frequency beauty can tighten the skin and tighten the skin and deep tissues, to the drooping or sagging facial re-upgrade results.RF radio frequency works directly through the skin, the resistance formed by the skin effect on energy production, making the skin between the bottom of the temperature increase, the use of dermal collagen to tighten and stimulate collagen proliferation principles, with a timely upgrade and Firmingtwo major effects lasting collagen regeneration in the treatment of 2-6 months after the gradual proliferation of collagen proteins, reorganization, so do not hang or tightening loose skin may be raised.RF power to achieve the effect of tightening the skin delicate skin, face shape sculpture Lahti skin abdomen lose weight and thermal burn hip radio best biological heat effect financial RF frequency 0.6-8MHz, very variable speeds up to 8 million times per second organizationcharged particles within the rapid transformation in the electrode in the same frequency of natural resistance to change the direction of RF current dermal tissue to produce heat energy.RF power advantages and effects: advantages: ① non-surgical; ② non-invasive; ③ without bloodshed; ④ painless; ⑤ no trace; ⑥ noninvasive; ⑦ no recovery; ⑧ treatment time is short (1-8 times per20 minutes -50 minutes); ⑨ time to bear fruit fast (up to 20% when the effect of 2-6 months up to 90% of the effect); ⑩ long hold time (Note: to the decline of collagen production is generally 3-5years)? effect: ① place and beyond surgical face lift; ② tighten loose skin; ③ eliminate true, false wrinkles; ④ repair stretch marks; ⑤ treatment of acne; ⑥ anti-aging body (neck, back, tighten the modification, Munakata adjustments mentioned, waist weeks shaping, shaping the buttocks shape, leg shape) RF radio frequency technology, the successful introduction of its successful pursuit of perfection for the majority to provide a convenient and secure way younger.E light parts:Therapeutic advantage1, imported sapphire crystal, "refrigeration control system, adjustable head temperature2, net imports of sapphire crystal light guide, head life without having to replace3, powerful filtration system and automatic temperature control function ensures the safety of the treatment, efficient and fast.4, full-injection case, leakage power, interference, crystal system more stable.5, large tank designs, better heat dissipation, continuous long working hours.6, non-invasive and painless treatment, wash your face make-up after the spot does not affect the normal working life.7, with a water temperature detection system, more than the critical point, it will automatically issue a warning.8, imported sapphire optical system, the cooling performance better, more comfortable, more durable..9, Israel * Semiconductor cooling system, to the skin epidermis to provide -10 degrees.10, E-ray machine function: hair removal, skin rejuvenation, freckle. Cured red blood, remove wrinkles, skin problems to solve.11, treatment of head and in accordance with ergonomic design, more compact, more convenient, reduce operator fatigue.12, 8 times the atmospheric pressure by the United States source.13, shell is made of ABS engineering plastic of high purity, leakage power, more secure.14, three semiconductor cooling system * Israel * + water + air, plus the cold gel cooling, more scientific.E light (IPL + RF) part of the parameters: Power Supply: AC220V ± 10%, 5A, 50Hz (optional 110V, 50/60Hz) Host Size: 52cm × 58cm × 121cm Packing size: 64cm × 65cm × 130cm The first pulse (first pulse) :1-30MS The first delay :1-30MS sub-pulse width (auxiliary pulse) :1-30 MS sub delay (auxiliary delay) :1-30MSPulse :1-15 frequency pulses (pulse cycle): 1S, 2S, 3S Counter: host counts spot size: 10 × 40mm energy density :1-50J / CM2 Power 1000W Net Weight: 45KG Weight: 56KGThe instrument warranty for one year (twenty thousand times light protection), maintenance of life.