產品圖片 |
線圈本的應用場合 |
公司地址 |
我所在位置(浙江省溫州市蒼南縣龍港鎮龍港商廈) |
公司簡介 |
蒼南縣歐傑工藝禮品有限公司坐落在中國印刷城---中國溫州(龍港)是一傢以生產紅包(利是封)、信封、檔案袋、臺歷、掛歷、撕歷、筆記本、線圈本、紙袋、紙盒、吊牌、各類卡片、節日賀卡、及後期加工的專業性機構,公司占地面積2000餘平方米,現有員工50多人;幾年來我們在和客戶的交往互動中建立瞭良好的夥伴關系,客戶的信任是對我們工作的肯定,客戶的鼓勵是我們前行的動力! 我們的團隊是一個年輕而富有闖勁的團隊,高素質的營銷隊伍,真誠的為您服務,我們一直堅持以顧客為中心,以滿足客戶需求為方向,以向客戶提供滿意的產品和服務為目標,在互信雙贏的基礎上與客戶建立長期積極穩定的合作關系,為瞭不斷滿足客戶需求,我們除瞭不斷努力把關產品質量,確保質優價廉,更重視售前售中售後服務,時刻竊聽客戶的聲音,及時妥善解決客戶反映的問題;創新求實是我們不斷前進的基礎,而您的關註則是我們永恒的動力;今後我們將更加努力,我們始終秉承“追求客戶理想的產品”為己任,“打造客戶心中放心的企業”為宗旨。以強大的團隊精神和凝聚力,力爭從優秀到卓越: Cangnan Odge Crafts & Gifts Co., Ltdis a professional manufacturer for various paper printing and packing products. It’s located in Longgang Town, Wenzhou City, which is famous for"China Printing City" & "Chinese GiftCity".The main products are including Red Packet, Envelope, File Folder, Calendar, Diary, Notebook, Wire-O Notebook, Paper Bag, Paper Box, Tags and Greeting cards, etc. Here has owned 50 staffs. The factory area is more than 2000 square meters.We are a young and aggressive team. These years, we have established good business relationships with our customers at domestic and overseas. Well-qualified and experienced sales will provide you our best service. And our designers will give you more professional advices. High quality, attractive design, competitive price, excellent service and fast delivery time is our pursuit.We are looking forward to establish long-term and stable business relationship with you, based on mutual benefit and trust. We are confident that we will satisfy you very much with your different demand. Welcome to contact us!! |
聯系方式 |
聯系人:薛振盧 聯系電話:13732044730 0577-68683285 傳真號碼:0577-68683272 聯系地址:中國 浙江 蒼南縣 龍港鎮 錦港嘉園 2幢 3單元 301室(辦公區) E-mail : [email protected] |
企業文化 |
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訂購流程及工藝流程 |
