| 本公司主營激光雷射洗眉機;激光雷射祛紋身機;IPL光子機;E光光子機;電波拉皮機;疤痕治療儀;E光槍;光子槍;激光雷射槍;各種儀器配件,歡迎廣大公司來電訂購。 治療原理 Treatment principle 洗紋身機采用寶石調Q模式,利用激光雷射射高能量有效擊碎病變組織裡的色素。即光致爆破原理:是利用激光雷射瞬時發出的高能量,使被照射的色素顆粒吸收能量後膨脹破裂,一部分裂變成更加微小的顆粒排出體外,一部分被人體通過淋巴系統排泄掉,從而掃除色素。由於正常組織對1064nm 的激光雷射沒有吸收,從而保持瞭細胞框架的完整,決無形成疤痕的條件。這是目前任何其他方法都無法比擬的。正是由於激光雷射祛除色素不破壞正常組織。所以其安全性最大程度的保證客戶不會受到手後並發癥的困擾。 Tattoo removal machine gem Q-mode, the effective use of high-energy laser shot smashed the lesions in the pigment. The photo-induced burst principle: given the use of high-energy laser instantaneous, so that the irradiated energy is absorbed by pigment particles after the expansion of rupture, a split into more small particles removed from the body, part of the body excreted through the lymphatic system to remove the pigment. As the normal tissue of the 1064nm laser is not absorbed, thereby maintaining the integrity of the cell framework, the conditions must not form a scar. This is the way any other can not be compared. Because eliminate the color laser does not destroy normal tissue. Therefore, the safety of the greatest hand to ensure customers will not be troubled by complications. 治療范圍 Therapeutic range 寶石調Q激光雷射洗紋身機可有效治療混合色料形成的外源性色素沉著及內源性色素病變。即:失誤的深色紋眉、眼線、唇線,祛紋身,祛除蘭痣、黑痣、雀斑、老年斑、太田痣、鮮紅痣、酒糟鼻、血管瘤、蜘蛛狀毛細血管擴張等。適用於醫院、診所、有資質的高檔美容院等。 Q-precious stones laser tattoo removal machine can be effective treatment of mixed pigment formation of exogenous and endogenous pigment pigmented lesions. Namely: failure of a dark tattoo, eyeliner, lip line, remove tattoos, eliminate the blue mole, moles, freckles, age spots, nevus of Ota, red mole, rosacea, hemangioma, spider-like capillary dilation. Apply to hospitals, clinics, qualified high-end beauty salons. | |
| 北京泰恒金光偉業光電科技有限公司是專業生產醫療、美容激光雷射儀器的高新技術企業。目前公司主營產品為激光雷射洗眉、激光雷射祛紋身、光子嫩膚、E光、疤痕治療儀和電波拉皮等儀器,無論您是生產商、經銷商還是終端客戶,相信在這裡都有您需要的產品。 我們以客戶至上,科技創新為理念,以紮實的作風、嚴謹的態度,為廣大客戶提供可信賴的安全、有效、優質的產品。我們將用自身的進步,回報客戶的信賴與支持!我們將以客戶的滿意為追求目標! | |