| 多層的立體裁剪,個性時尚,立領設計,防風保暖更明顯。 | Multi-layered draping, personality style, stand-up collar design, warm wind is more obvious. |
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 | 帽子裡面由PP棉填充,可拆卸,簡便保暖,冷熱都可調控,且方便媽媽們清洗。 | PP cotton filling inside the hat, removable, easy to keep warm, hot and cold can control, and easy to clean moms. |
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 | SBS樹脂拉鏈,是專門針對童裝開發的拉鏈之一,能有效保護寶寶在、穿衣、玩耍時刮傷下巴或其它部位。 | The international resin zipper, 5, is specifically for children's clothing developed zipper one canEffectively protect the baby, dressing, playing, scratching his chin or other parts. |
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 | 領口處的三角貼人性化設計,起到瞭保護的作用,以免拉鏈傷害寶寶嬌嫩的肌膚。 | Neckline triangle stickers humanized design, has played a role in protection, so as not to hurt the baby's delicate skin zipper. |
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 | 帽耳寬大,扣上後既保暖還防風,細節處給寶寶特別的呵護。 | The cap large ears, wear both warm wind, the details of the office to the special care of the baby. |
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 | 拉鏈口袋,防脫線。有效防風設計,實用方便,保暖小手手。 | Package side pockets, anti-off-line. Effective windbreak design, practical and convenient, warm hand to hand. |
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 | 防風袖口設計,保暖不漏風。袖長比普通規格多出1-1.5cm,保護寶寶腕關節更有效。魔術貼袖口,易解易扣,方面寶寶調節袖口大小,防風保暖。 | Elastic wind cuff design, warm air leakage. Sleeve more than ordinary specifications 1-1.5cm, to protect baby wrist more effective. |
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 | 蘋果傢別致定制印花,做工細膩,高端品質。 | Apoooo chic custom silver printing, fine workmanship, high-end quality. |
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 | 松緊帶下擺,人性化設計,緊致保暖,活動自如舒適,更增加衣服耐磨性。 | Elastic hem, humanized design, elastic elastic, compact warmth, freedom of movement comfortable, the more clothes wear resistance. |
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 | 紅黑經典織帶,品質的體現。精湛技藝,車線牢固。活力四射。 | Red and black the classic webbing, the embodiment of quality. Virtuosity, solid car line. |
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 | 高級面料,質地柔軟光滑,耐磨耐臟,優質防風。 | Advanced fabrics, soft and smooth texture, dirt resistant, high-quality wind |
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 | 正品保障,蘋果獨傢設計,全網獨一款式,仿冒必究。 | Genuine security, Apoooo's exclusive design unique styles, the whole network, counterfeiting. |
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 | 正品保障,蘋果獨傢設計,全網獨一款式,仿冒必究。 | Genuine security, Apoooo's exclusive design unique styles, the whole network, counterfeiting. |
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