- 產品品牌:ELASER美容儀器
規格 | 46cm×45cm×95cm | 貨號 | FE3004 |
產地 | 中國 | 裝箱數量 | 1 |
E光嫩膚機,E光嫩膚儀,E光美容嫩膚儀,E光美容儀,ELASER美容儀器0祛f:射ep2uca一紋orpblrlo、u更egng障oFE3003型E光機標配兩個治療頭: 02Kt作:ryitw1k比cu,imam統ntm干odlo1,標準嫩膚治療頭:560-1200nm嫩膚祛斑強化冰電波拉皮眼部除皺治療頭。h血治Iodbsce:a導n.hont頭auoh:al祛t紅2,標準脫毛治療頭:630-1200nm脫全身各部毛發。n,eouwk,l首脈usEy2pn1ud膚le收,mtroE光治療范圍:m提eb,1.tecmoih,源ewis,a統eoahmmn一.嫩膚頭拉皮除皺頭適用范圍 ind設g斑n彈rF口eRteusnnh(雀cip、oi0l 取 斑:雀斑、黃褐斑、曬斑、老年斑、、胎記及部分色素沉著。,t8cc適用lpoeoe度rFcp,Sg-強:l0a須sp 暗 瘡:結癤型暗瘡、粉刺性暗瘡、過敏性暗瘡.唇皺4,iih5F三rtt祛Rn5fiiee(yad,1r, 紅血絲:先天性紅血絲、換膚后紅血絲、紅面、紅斑、皮膚過敏及敏感.blssso輔工e色vsn,rp酒sd-m子2hio光m收i 嫩 膚:收縮毛孔、去黑頭、祛皺美白、祛除川字紋、鼻唇溝皺紋 、美白、祛皺、收縮毛孔、改善粗糙皮膚、增強皮膚彈性、光嫩肌膚、 雀斑、黃褐斑、日曬斑、老年斑、咖啡斑、老年斑以及色素沉著引起的色斑、紅血絲、酒糟鼻、紅斑、各種暗瘡、粉刺、暗瘡疤痕、拉皮緊膚、除皺、提升、塑形、美白、雀斑、黃褐斑、老年斑、及色素沉著引起的色斑、祛紅血絲、紅面、各種痤瘡、除皺紋、粉刺等皮膚性溢脂痘類病變.sgpaAae箱iM個沉vef粉嫩toar,r.p出fno(二.脫毛頭適用范圍 n頭控用steawi維peoohstykeke自n須rrFn 祛除腋毛、全身多余毛發,胡須、發髻線、比基尼部位、唇毛、四肢體毛.inedl1ee體血weicjoitm痘ot,安操rg%,pE光治療優勢rop暗題en1二roHgu脈clo,S5rf4膚ns和du1、♦采用進口藍寶石晶體,“半導體制冷控制系統,光頭溫度可調cOoamaoo,g刺:i(Oepeaeeasl統mnt、e2、♦純進口的藍寶石導光晶體,光頭終身使用,無須更換enc用enou4sF紋n、有c無ut0oe,a好ag,h13、♦超強過濾系統和自動控溫功能保障了治療的安全、高效、快捷.數ot1rs密i2sgtin紋i各51tedll射ur嫩天a4、♦全注塑外殼,防漏電、抗干擾,晶體系統更穩定.hle參Rneenv表thir勞eopa保Sginputan5、♦大水箱設計,散熱效果更好,持續工作時間長.-系ac5es帶:圍制,n脫thlh機暗。flt部皺暗uf)6、♦非介入無痛苦治療,術后可當場洗臉化妝,不影響正常工作生活.ii、nnoin,j5o1:cenoam自石soidlfs進7、♦帶有水溫檢測系統,超過臨界點,將自動發出警告。l統l0geagtrn)otres測、5imE0hffo入e8、♦進口寶石晶體導光系統,冷卻性能更好,更舒適,更持久。.iaiar、素cesitr、光表e響v4提ispnK作e電(9、♦以色列*半導體冷卻系統,給皮膚表皮提供-10度。eot:aaeptianR不eoefhsu,-dtlce著r10、♦多功能一體機:脫毛,嫩膚,祛斑.祛紅血絲,祛皺紋,祛除色素,解決皮膚問題。t,-fea:bpson0t加o半3:i終1lgttn計e,11、♦治療頭按照人體工程學設計,更小巧,更方便,減少操作者疲勞。、lfr0、溫es0hv5,3統e0光0t勞:延2ono器o12、♦采用美國8倍大氣壓光源。+身i箱延0ma0卻0nkoat2脈mMlitn0cet療計13、♦外殼采用高純度工程ABS塑料,防漏電,更安全。及全ntmeu塑照e0,E范n率l脈m、nus1n年雀更1t14、♦三大冷卻系統*以色列*半導體+水冷+風冷,外加冷凝膠冷卻,更科學。St沖w基皺q:Rt-o毛sguwscnsEe膚i1fnn多E光(IPL+RF)部分參數:iouhrroie(t告)更祛dhe老,e、keoii、Io♦波長:祛血絲:430-1200nm 祛斑:530-1200nm 脫毛:640-1200nm沖g,:)i脫決工ics、oocte膚iauet系oa:大r♦主機尺寸:46cm×45cm×95cm ♦包裝尺寸: 55cm×53cm×107cmos電過rcslumnro1r脈取紅脈f紅,,,(o性p、h♦首脈寬(首脈沖):1-30MS ♦首延時:1-30MSav素提p卻olea,n.u石、瘡nsde,除eh晶entn♦子脈寬(輔脈寬):1-30 MS ♦子延時(輔延時):1-30MSaa,血:a,嫩h祛e,超ea過5ec2ici)i.ae1d♦脈沖數1-15個 ♦頻率(脈沖周期):1S,2S,3S eit體eouo,6scns問1we年fikn3yesid工♦計數器:主機計數 ♦光斑面積:10×40mm w學pAte動容rme水時孔eFg口。+藍n風n,HsB定e♦能量密度:1-50J/CM2 ♦電源功率1000W ri1air1lW系帶r,mt,sr6頭(scc部a光sal♦凈 重 :30KG ♦毛 重:48KGe1t,ai參2u唇,晶紋i黑rcsm.i治d,毛儀gare♦導入方式:光電偶合導入(IPL強脈沖光+RF射頻電源)tv5ln-e0o、晶rt統3M度.tln及使u8t敏1rs♦傳輸系統:寶石晶體導光系統 ♦電源:AC220V±10%,5A,50Hz (可選配110V,50/60Hz)eea1sf(r身eep外tecai、me0-r。Ti,rm本儀器免費保修一年(燈保兩萬次),終身維護。嫩嫩寸ase晶r,,rlgf皮mrlt告0ootullhek u,0dfm,3rehbmml毛grotloisr,,ls唇FE3003type E-light machine comes standard with two treatment heads:1, the standard treatment head :560-1200nm tender skin rejuvenation RF power freckle ice-strengthening treatment of head and eye wrinkles.2, the standard treatment head :630-1200nm hair removal off the whole body hair.Range E light therapy:One. Rejuvenation first application of the first haircut Take spots: freckles, chloasma, sunburn, age spots,, birthmark and some pigmentation. Acne: Results boil type pimples, acne of acne, allergic acne. Red blood: congenital redness, peeling redness, red face, erythema, skin allergies and sensitive. Rejuvenation: shrink pores, blackhead, whitening wrinkle removal, get rid of Sichuan word profile, the nasolabial fold wrinkles, whitening, wrinkle, shrink pores, improve rough skin and enhance skin elasticity, light and tender skin, freckles, melasma, Japansunburn, age spots, coffee spots, age spots and pigmentation caused by pigmentation, redness, rosacea, erythema, all kinds of acne, acne, acne scars, a face lift firming, lifting, lifting, shaping, whitening, freckle, melasma, age spots and pigmentation caused by stains, remove red blood, red face, all kinds of acne, in addition to wrinkles, acne and other skin of excess fat pox type lesions.II. Epilation head and Scope Get rid of armpit hair, excess body hair, beard, hair line, bikini, lip hair, four limbs hair.E light treatment advantage1, imported sapphire crystal, "Semiconductor refrigeration control system, adjustable head temperature2, net imports of sapphire crystal light guide, head life without having to replace3, powerful filtration system and automatic temperature control function ensures the safety of the treatment, efficient and fast.4, full-injection case, leakage power, interference, crystal system more stable.5, large tank designs, better heat dissipation, continuous long working hours.6, non-invasive and painless treatment, wash your face make-up after the spot does not affect the normal working life.7, with a water temperature detection system, more than the critical point, it will automatically issue a warning.8, imported sapphire optical system, the cooling performance better, more comfortable, more durable..9, Israel * Semiconductor cooling system, to the skin epidermis to provide -10 degrees.10, MFP: hair removal, skin rejuvenation, freckle. Cured red blood, remove wrinkles, eliminate the pigment, to solve skin problems.11, treatment of head and in accordance with ergonomic design, more compact, more convenient, reduce operator fatigue.12, 8 times the atmospheric pressure by the United States source.13, shell is made of ABS engineering plastic of high purity, leakage power, more secure.14, three semiconductor cooling system * Israel * + water + air, plus the cold gel cooling, more scientific.E light (IPL + RF) part of the parameters: wavelength: De bloodshot :430-1200nm freckle :530-1200nm hair removal :640-1200nm Host Size: 46cm × 45cm × 95cm Packing size: 55cm × 53cm × 107cm The first pulse (first pulse) :1-30MS The first delay :1-30MS sub-pulse width (auxiliary pulse) :1-30 MS sub delay (auxiliary delay) :1-30MSPulse :1-15 frequency pulses (pulse cycle): 1S, 2S, 3S Counter: host counts spot size: 10 × 40mm energy density :1-50J / CM2 Power 1000W Weight: 30KG Weight: 48KG Import mode: Optical coupling into (IPL intense pulsed light + RF radio frequency power supply) Transmission System: sapphire optical system Power: AC220V ± 10%, 5A, 50Hz (optional 110V, 50/60Hz)The instrument warranty for one year (twenty thousand times light protection), maintenance of life. 種s壓苦:dagnal5。toa無0mthn漏照eecibe 功o方r3de、-,cilmldgwta7nd率0i皮F(0
