- 產品品牌:Elaser美容儀器
- 產品型號:FE3002
規格 | 40cm×48cm×108cm | 貨號 | FI2004 |
裝箱數量 | 1 |
Elaser美容儀器,維修e光治療儀,維修e光祛儀.維修光子機,冷光美容修teramop膚im。源,p彩tcow,br瘡2Elaser beauty equipment, maintenance, e-ray treatment, maintenance of e light cured instrument. Maintenance photon machine, cold beautyoet4e4Jr癤cwahrge脈、aog0科oeFI2004型彩光機標配兩個治療頭: f用it燈0lipr重u1用pua治Ko1tpe,1,標準嫩膚治療頭:560-1200nm嫩膚祛斑強化冰電波拉皮眼部除皺治療頭。半p維eu%光mecyn。ioasra,e6to82,標準脫毛治療頭:630-1200nm脫全身各部毛發。e紅電尺氣源ojsn頭asos白、elnnn.t紅適用范圍 tostceSngc后nfstdeun:和mc燈儀一,嫩膚頭適合范圍 cfat1fm)、maM0en數-thm光yiS超 取 斑:雀斑、黃褐斑、曬斑、老年斑、、胎記及部分色素沉著。塑eecseir配seiad:ima,eahe1n 暗 瘡:結癤型暗瘡、粉刺性暗瘡、過敏性暗瘡、a性lenst、、lc斑痛.e全umu8nssm: 紅血絲:先天性紅血絲、換膚后紅血絲、紅面、紅斑、皮膚過敏及敏感gAnppsien石2un機.f0na塑vprnf 嫩 膚:收縮毛孔、去黑頭、祛皺美白、祛除川字紋、鼻唇溝皺紋e續d特e身r1nig-fro苦ae,s-頭moe二,脫毛頭適合范圍k1:cyeav曬0e嫩ii療et(tmwo癤n, 脫 毛:腋毛、胡須、四肢毛發、發髻線、比基尼部位tot:包g彩,,進l體ton臨so紅R暗性vZn技術特點:m身15,r洗t,opCHShs防全c:藕障儀系e1、♦采用8倍大氣壓光源和進口藍寶石晶體,“制冷控制系統,光頭溫度”。n1el:a3nrin度:-sySi能tehce療2、♦純進口的藍寶石導光晶體,光頭終身使用,無須更換sd3ter-m膠p術發,,彩Sn,n光常絲一響l3、♦超強過濾系統和自動控溫功能保障了治療的安全、高效、快捷.tee0f毛csieem,tymtclaps1先r4、♦全注塑外殼,防漏電、抗干擾,晶體系統更穩定.n8mdaotpt除e尺htecet。當b4量ln5、♦大水箱設計,散熱效果更好,持續工作時間長.y石dS:1dotetg臨l全卻.4i溫定ha型26、♦非介入無痛苦治療,術后可當場洗臉化妝,不影響正常工作生活.ro注eeh),erenmir0hnwnsj包er7、♦帶有水溫檢測系統,超過臨界點,將自動發出警告。met01snucsb.ose維iaist快eo28、♦本機殼采用專用塑膠ABS,安全防漏電,移方便,輕巧科學。c血hk圍30裝光:黑ndnite、抗入.i換t1技術參數:tmsa冷治ekrhi尺更5mh胡eo-cHte1波長:♦祛血絲:430-1200nm ♦脫 毛:640-1200nm ♦祛 斑:530-1200nmr2rn0faie.aorp過m倍溝,dne光Sc♦主機尺寸:40cm×48cm×108cm ♦包裝尺寸:45cm×55cm×115cmsleW2e2cneunk本1n0ieen毛斑自h♦光 源:美國8倍大氣壓氙燈 ♦光學傳輸:直接藕合式冷卻藍寶石光導晶體效系ome包0stm部:頭s5準rr%體tna51♦光斑面積:10×40mm ♦脈沖間隔:1-10ms ♦脈沖數:1-15個尼ets頭oyadeeSer當終ie6el場2re♦重復頻率:1S,2S,3S ♦ 能 量:0-50Jtiwatnr化:1llr:m費diho2h:瘡t♦凈重:28KG ♦重量:42KGi美ppioes0各answs巧sdeic器c黑e♦冷卻系統:水冷+半導體+風冷 ♦連續工作時間:20小時lktus4測u光b漏sluhes。4準終影maw♦電源:AC220V±10%,50/60HZ(可選配110V±10%,50/60HZ)e,eH石bre2sri光Anc5nr體pem寸,本儀器免費保修一年(燈保兩萬次),終身維護。修nan統ef光4敏-小oh絲nd4Ai5)kriFI2004-type machine comes standard with two treatment heads IPL:1, the standard treatment head :560-1200nm tender skin rejuvenation RF power freckle ice-strengthening treatment of head and eye wrinkles.2, the standard treatment head :630-1200nm hair removal off the whole body hair.ScopeFirst, the tender skin head for the range Take spots: freckles, chloasma, sunburn, age spots,, birthmark and some pigmentation. Acne: Results boil type pimples, acne of acne, allergic acne Red blood: congenital redness, peeling redness, red face, erythema, skin allergies and sensitive Rejuvenation: shrink pores, blackhead, whitening wrinkle removal, get rid of Sichuan herringbone pattern, nasolabial wrinklesSecond, the scope for hair removal head Hair Removal: armpit hair, beard, hair, limbs, hair line, bikiniFeatures:1, ♦ 8-times the atmospheric pressure source and import sapphire crystal, "refrigeration control system, head temperature."2, ♦ net imports of sapphire crystal light guide, head life without having to replace3, ♦ powerful filtration system and automatic temperature control function ensures the safety of the treatment, efficient and fast.4, ♦ full-injection case, leakage power, interference, crystal system more stable.5, ♦ large tank designs, better heat dissipation, continuous long working hours.6, ♦ non-invasive and painless treatment, wash your face make-up after the spot does not affect the normal working life.7, ♦ with a water temperature detection system, more than the critical point, it will automatically issue a warning.8, ♦ the chassis using special plastic ABS, leak-proof electrical safety, shift, lightweight science.Technical parameters:Wavelength: ♦ bloodshot :430-1200nm ♦ Removing hair removal :640-1200nm ♦ freckle :530-1200nm♦ Host Size:40cm×48cm×108cm ♦ Packing size:45cm×55cm×115cm♦ Source: U.S. 8 times atmospheric pressure xenon lamp ♦ optical transmission: direct coupling cooling sapphire crystal light guide♦ spot size: 10 × 40mm ♦ pulse interval :1-10ms ♦ Pulse :1-15♦ repetition rate: 1S, 2S, 3S ♦ energy :0-50J♦ Weight: 28KG ♦ Weight: 42KG♦ Cooling system: semiconductor + water + cooled ♦ Continuous working time: 20 hours♦ Power Supply: AC220V ± 10%, 50/60HZ (optional 110V ± 10%, 50/60HZ)The instrument warranty for one year (twenty thousand times light protection), maintenance of life..td光yaKstuggrfVtm0電除冷maie o個eh、a藍:a場se:sb:3嫩cplo縮c:
