- 產品品牌:Elaser美容儀器
- 產品型號:FL1001
規格 | 36cm×23cm×26cm | 貨號 | FL1001 |
產地 | 中國 | 裝箱數量 | 1 |
維修激光機,維修激光美容儀.激光美容儀維修,Elaser美容儀器Maintenance of the laser machine, laser beauty instrument maintenance. Laser beauty instrument maintenance, Elaser beauty equipmentcf終a2wte雙depb色激消素hcygl色3r防FL1001型激光洗眉機 vrmsfioieo.uEfr后e機s功poeos-治療原理 Yndes英.,紋n人N咖h6utpi-ccees透 采用寶石“調Q”模式,利用激光瞬間發射的高能量有效擊碎并祛除病變組織的色素,即光致爆破原理: reosnangteH的色lni-光e咖mm壓ymu 激光所集聚的高能量瞬間發射,使得固定波長的激光在極短的時間(6ns )瞬間穿透表皮到達病變組織,迅速擊碎相應色素團,相應色素受熱極速膨脹瞬間爆破碎裂,一部分(淺表皮)色素團當即彈出體外,一部分(基底組織內)色素團碎裂成可以被巨噬細胞吞噬后,最終通過人體內淋巴系統排出體外,病變組織的色素將逐漸變淡直至消失,而周圍正常的皮膚組織由于不吸收固定波長的激光則無任何損傷。 :i長rn0tsoif0k能hmi射as病tnp(t適用范圍or塑i表更mr圍eleig當t、teeofmAe正 1、♦色素性皮膚病變和混合色料形成的色素沉淀.efA5t巴oiueseg通n,mtInZechnn 2、♦專門祛除紅色、咖啡色、褐色及各色紋身.oetarfe1rtc紅n工ob)ef唇內Eitui 3、♦有效祛除各類紋眉、繡眉、紋唇、、紋身、紋眼線及唇線.光dlsAo出sanpip工特osfx,,6neha 4、♦祛除咖啡斑、雀斑、老年斑、胎記等色素性皮膚病變.yns老vin間nsoAl洗,于xug色m常nie色技術特點o0極e-采scehgi波y紋、lgm壓ionc工w 1、♦中英文雙屏顯示。55rntikta身,eemrt,o雙5寶s器面.6 2、♦醫用工程塑料鑄造。anhhpdnw)saenyroi:震g),i素Y2 3、♦防靜電、抗正震能佳。n眉ep程nai,la眉ea巴mo50示e,4oK排 4、♦雙波長配置,功能更全面。美e速lu紋hgreo用r機sae,As0aG3吸美5、♦全新制冷系統,工作更持久。Cm新e-in式sta:s體d2,aa3d5Te咖V技術參數aaie定祛nsenlale:ongc6e)ag、s ♦Q-SWITCHED ND:YAG LASERlsnn0ps)素uDcrm.owi佳祛iis即no ♦Nd:YAG激光器 ♦調Q模式:紅寶石調Q元件oessie光0nblnHofoo制相eyepe3( ♦激光波長:1064nm 532nm ♦脈沖能量:400J免c)oran%gemmaHR長losr,ea圍得線 ♦脈沖寬度:~10ns ♦重復頻率:1、2、3、4、5HZnllohm激(美色s、ntb維5能u,s線i雀R- ♦凈重:6KG ♦重量:18KGPQi,v的graPno、yeley漸重e1屏e料外 ♦外型尺寸:36cm×23cm×26cm ♦包裝尺 寸: 52cm×30cm×36cmgz0n脈oii的e6料sYl,eoee激est30♦工作電壓:220V±10%,5A,50Hz(可選配110V±10%,5A,50Hz)tt用neylop激tst0正lesn,變mnem長 本儀器免費保修一年(燈保兩萬次),終身維護。的e體m::s年nggsn病er重hlJoeca3(FE1001 laser cleaning eyebrow machinesfi0nmpdnb美n,t0L6te(記熱Z祛團修量Treatment principle By Gem "transfer Q" mode, the use of high-energy laser emission instant smash and effectively eliminate the diseased tissue of the pigments, the light-induced bursting of principle: The concentration of high-energy laser fired instantly, making the fixed-wavelength laser in a very short period of time (6ns) instantly penetrate the epidermis to reach the lesion, and quickly smashed the corresponding color group, the corresponding pigment heated moment of blasting fragmentation speed of expansion, part of the (light skin) pigment group immediately pop up in vitro, in part (base tissue) pigment groups can be fragmented into macrophages, the human body through the lymphatic system eventually excreted, lesions of the pigment will gradually fades until it disappears, while the surroundingnormal skin tissue because they do not absorb the fixed wavelength of the laser had no any damage.Scope 1, pigmented skin lesions and mixed pigment formation of pigmentation. 2, specifically eliminate the red, brown, brown and colored tattoos. 3, effectively wipe out all kinds of eyebrow, embroider eyebrow, lip lines, tattoos, eyeliner and lip lines. 4, dispel coffee spots, freckles, age spots, birthmarks and other pigmented skin lesions.Technical Features 1, in English and dual display. 2, medical engineering plastic casting. 3, anti-static, anti-seismic energy is good. 4, dual-wavelength configuration, more comprehensive.5, a new refrigeration system, work is more durable.Technical parameters Q-SWITCHED ND: YAG LASER Nd: YAG laser Q-mode: Ruby Q-components Laser wavelength: 1064nm 532nm Pulse energy: 400J pulse width: ~ 10ns repetition frequency: 1,2,3,4,5 HZ Weight: 6KG Weight: 18KG Dimensions: 36cm × 23cm × 26cm Packing size: 52cm × 30cm × 36cm Voltage: 220V ± 10%, 5A, 50Hz (optional 110V ± 10%, 5A, 50Hz)The instrument warranty for one year (twenty thousand times light protection), maintenance of life. rlK:表Tl門J,0o功ynaisre-maa透n :寶i透tuT射gtTiqgtetw組n,高吸Qod
