- 產品品牌:freebody
- 重量:35KG
- 產品材料:高分子材料
- 產地:廣州
- 重量:35KG
一.儀器概論1.無針美塑的發展狀況據不完全統計,全美約有300多家皮膚管理機構,引進了無針美塑儀,值得關注的是,近幾年在美國興起的Medspa,提倡快餐式美容,在全美超過43個州的MEDSPA在使用無針美塑技術!超過5萬的專業皮膚科醫師推薦!無創無需恢復期,很適合Medspa提倡的快速美容的理念,越來越受好萊塢明星、愛美女士甚至時尚男性的追捧。臺灣:無針美塑在臺灣起步較早,發展也很迅速,無針美塑儀登陸臺灣后,以高端科技,卓越療效,個性化的設計和操作,迅速占領了臺灣七成以上的無針美塑市場份額,贏得一致好評。香港: 2007年9月,無針美塑正式在香港推出,我們正在密切關注中……新加坡:美塑療法采用新科技—新加坡減肥不須再挨針,愛美的新加坡人又多了一個選擇。本地引進一種新的無針美塑療法,讓人們可以在無需忍痛的情況下,享受快速有效的的美白祛皺。2.無針美塑的效果如何保證無針美塑的效果主要是通過兩個方面來實現。一個是無針美塑電泳導入技術,一個是高效活性成分。而這兩個方面是相輔相成的。如果說在美容儀器的發展史上有能稱之為經典的產品的話,無針美塑治療儀應是一款在美容滲透技術上的里程碑式的儀器,是唯一真正在細胞上運用國際專利ELECTROPORATION(電穿孔)與ELECTROPHORESIS(電滲透)相結合的科技技術,該儀器把健康理念和最新科技完美地結合在一起,來真正達到恢復完美健康的皮膚,塑型之功效,并能持久保持療效的儀器。其作用深度可達6cm的皮下組織,深達真皮層,大大增加皮膚對產品的吸收能力達400倍至600倍。放大倍增了與之搭配使用的產品療效,不用針刺破皮膚,客人不會感到疼痛不適、皮膚出血甚至感染等副作用。在效果上,可迅速改善并治愈問題性皮膚,恢復皮膚的天然機能,對于皮膚的抗衰老美白保濕收緊等方面效果尤其顯著,因而廣受客人的歡迎。療效一次就能產生驚人的即時效果(可做照片對比),更適合長期使用。二.作用原理與技術核心無針美塑治療療法,是全面替代傳統注射美塑(有針和微針)的高效、無創,安全的“中胚層導入美容療法”,是運用最新技術水電泳和水通道蛋白原理研制出的電孔注滲技術,以無針注射原理,采用“點到面”超微滲透技術,其電穿孔法令肌膚在脈沖電流刺激影響下,使毛孔產生物理反應,在兩秒內迅速張開650-800個微細毛孔,瞬間形成電子營養輸送通道,營養注滲療法隨即展開,配合電泳、柔激光和冰封等刺激作用,在最安全和快速的情況下,將皮膚所需的營養產品, 99%輸送到基底層細胞,并可儲存72小時之久,令肌膚更緊致柔滑,締造無瑕美肌。A.柔激光刺激技術:分別作用于肌膚淺表層和深表層的柔激光,提高細胞滲透性,增強血液循環,刺激細胞能量,加快膠原母細胞的繁殖。紅光(685nm)穿透不深,它所有的能量都消耗在表皮層。紅外光(830nm)穿透更深紅光和紅外光主要是刺激真皮血管的形成、增強血液循環,幫助帶走脂肪、糖份和蛋白質新陳代謝產生的廢棄物;同時,增加細胞膜的通透性,利于活性成分的滲透。B.電穿孔技術:直接作用于皮膚,瞬間增強皮膚組織的可滲透性。在電擊的作用下,細胞的脂質二重層上形成電擊孔(因電擊而產生的洞)。在電擊孔形成的同時,使得原先無法被細胞吸收的親水性分子能夠穿透并進入細胞內部。電擊孔一旦形成,則根據電擊的長度,在數秒種至數分鐘之內保持打開狀態。C.電滲透技術:電滲主要作用于將要分散的物質分子,幫助其順利穿透并進入肌膚內部,性質相同的電荷相互排斥,因此對正極的營養分子施加正電流,可將營養分子推入皮膚組織。此時,中性分子也一道穿透并進入肌膚內部。D.冰封刺激技術:借助外界溫度的冷熱交替使美容品的精華與療效以最大限度地發揮。讓營養成分迅速滲透到達皮膚基層與真皮層之間,分解抑制黑色素的同時,供給大量水分及營養成分,改善膠原纖維的彈性,用冷熱交替溫差的物理作用,達冰療補水,深度鎖水,冰療抗敏,增強免疫,冰療催化,高度吸收,冰療控油,緊實皮膚的最佳療效。三.主要功效1.細致紋理:改善粗糙、角質、毛孔粗大、堵塞,黯淡膚色2.緊實肌膚:撫平細紋、干紋;有效防止肌膚下垂、松弛并堅實提升3.敏感皮膜修復:曾做過光子嫩膚、敏感性肌膚、易長痘、暗瘡,油性分泌旺盛皮膚4.美白淡斑:膚色暗沉、不均勻、斑點等5.深度鎖水補濕:極干燥肌膚、缺水性肌膚、缺水缺油肌膚、皮膚極薄,鎖水效能差等。NO.1. General Instrument 1. No needle the United States and the development of plastic According to incomplete statistics, there are about more than 300 skin U.S. regulatory agencies, the United States introduced a plastic needle-free device, It is noteworthy that, in recent years the rise in the United States Medspa, the promotion of fast food-style beauty, in the United States more than 43 states MEDSPA the United States in the use of plastic needle technology! More than 50,000 professional dermatologist recommended! No recovery of non-invasive, it is suitable for rapid Medspa advocated the concept of beauty, more and more Hollywood stars, Ms. Evergo men sought after and even fashion. Taiwan: No US-pin plastic head start in Taiwan have developed rapidly, no plastic needle instrument landing the United States and Taiwan, to high-end technology, excellent efficacy, personalized design and operation, the rapid occupation of Taiwan, no more than七成plastic needle the United States market share, winning wide acclaim. Hong Kong: in September 2007, no plastic needle the United States formally launched in Hong Kong, we are closely concerned about the ... ... Singapore: the United States and the adoption of new technologies Plastic therapy - Singapore does not have to suffer weight loss injections, beauty, a choice of many Singaporeans. Local introduction of a new US-plastic needle-free therapy, so people can without pain, the enjoyment of fast and effective whitening Wrinkle removal & lifting . NO.2. No needle the United States and how to ensure that the effect of plastic Without the effect of plastic needle the United States mainly through two ways to achieve. One is the United States without needles into plastic electrophoresis technology, the active ingredient is highly effective. And these two aspects are mutually reinforcing. If it is said that the development of instruments in the history of Beauty have a product known as the classic case, no plastic needle the United States should be a therapeutic apparatus in the beauty penetration milestone technical apparatus, is the only truly international patent application cells ELECTROPORATION (electroporation) and ELECTROPHORESIS (electro-osmosis) the combination of science and technology, the equipment to health concepts and the latest technology the perfect combination to really achieve the restoration of perfect health of the skin, the effect of modeling and maintaining a lasting effect equipment. Up to 6cm depth of its role in the subcutaneous tissue, deep dermis, the skin greatly increase the absorptive capacity of the product 400 times to 600 times. Enlarge doubled with the use of the product with the efficacy of acupuncture do not break the skin, the guests will not feel pain, skin side effects such as bleeding or infection. In effect, can quickly improve and cure the problem of the skin and restore the skin's natural function, for skin whitening moisturizing anti-aging effects, etc. In particular, to tighten significantly, which is widely welcomed by the guests. Will be able to produce a startling effect of the immediate results (photos can be compared), it is more suitable for long-term use.NO.3. Principle and Technology of the role of the core No US-pin plastic treatment therapy, a comprehensive alternative to traditional plastic injection of the United States (with the needle and micro-needle) is efficient, non-invasive and safe, "mesoderm into beauty therapy" is the latest technology of water use and water channel protein electrophoresis principle of development Note the infiltration hole electric technology to non-needle injection principle, the use of "point to a plane," AMD permeation technology in skin electroporation Act under the influence of pulsed current stimulation, so that pores have a physical reaction to the rapid spread in two seconds 650-800 of fine pores, forming an instant electronic delivery channels of nutrition, nutrition Note dialysis therapy immediately with electrophoresis, soft laser stimulation and ice, etc., in the most secure and fast, the skin will be required for nutritional products , 99% transmitted to the basal cells, and can be stored as long as 72 hours, the skin smooth and more compact, creating a perfect Beautiful Skin. A. Sophie laser stimulation techniques: the respective role of the skin surface and deep-shallow layer of soft lasers, to improve cell permeability, and enhance blood circulation, stimulate cellular energy, speed up the collagen mother cell reproduction. Red light (685nm) does not penetrate deeply, it has all the energy consumed in the epidermis. Infrared light (830nm) penetrate deeper red and infrared light to stimulate the dermis is mainly the formation of blood vessels and enhance blood circulation and help remove fat, sugar and protein metabolism of waste generated; At the same time, increase the permeability of cell membranes , conducive to the infiltration of the active ingredient. 1. General Instrument 1. No needle the United States and the development of plastic According to incomplete statistics, there are about more than 300 skin U.S. regulatory agencies, the United States introduced a plastic needle-free device, It is noteworthy that, in recent years the rise in the United States Medspa, the promotion of fast food-style beauty, in the United States more than 43 states MEDSPA the United States in the use of plastic needle technology! More than 50,000 professional dermatologist recommended! No recovery of non-invasive, it is suitable for rapid Medspa advocated the concept of beauty, more and more Hollywood stars, Ms. Evergo men sought after and even fashion. Taiwan: No US-pin plastic head start in Taiwan have developed rapidly, no plastic needle instrument landing the United States and Taiwan, to high-end technology, excellent efficacy, personalized design and operation, the rapid occupation of Taiwan, no more than 70% plastic needle the United States market share, winning wide acclaim. Hong Kong: in September 2007, no plastic needle the United States formally launched in Hong Kong, we are closely concerned about the ... ... Singapore: the United States and the adoption of new technologies Plastic therapy - Singapore does not have to suffer weight loss injections, beauty, a choice of many Singaporeans. Local introduction of a new US-plastic needle-free therapy, so people can without pain, the enjoyment of fast and effective whitening Wrinkle removal & lifting . 2. No needle the United States and how to ensure that the effect of plastic Without the effect of plastic needle the United States mainly through two ways to achieve. One is the United States without needles into plastic electrophoresis technology, the active ingredient is highly effective. And these two aspects are mutually reinforcing. If it is said that the development of instruments in the history of Beauty have a product known as the classic case, no plastic needle the United States should be a therapeutic apparatus in the beauty penetration milestone technical apparatus, is the only truly international patent application cells ELECTROPORATION (electroporation) and ELECTROPHORESIS (electro-osmosis) the combination of science and technology, the equipment to health concepts and the latest technology the perfect combination to really achieve the restoration of perfect health of the skin, the effect of modeling and maintaining a lasting effect equipment. Up to 6cm depth of its role in the subcutaneous tissue, deep dermis, the skin greatly increase the absorptive capacity of the product 400 times to 600 times. Enlarge doubled with the use of the product with the efficacy of acupuncture do not break the skin, the guests will not feel pain, skin side effects such as bleeding or infection. In effect, can quickly improve and cure the problem of the skin and restore the skin's natural function, for skin tightening of anti-aging moisturizing whitening effect in particular areas such as
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