公司簡介:安平縣新政醫療器械有限公司始建於1998年,是一傢經河北省食品藥品監督管理局批準成立從事醫療器械產品,醫療耗材產品研制、開發、生產和銷售的高新技術企業。 “新政公司”擁有雄厚的經濟實力,精良的技術設備,生產工藝先進,品種齊全。主要產品有專利產品產後復健帶、醫用牽引帶、醫用固定帶、腰圍、彈力腰封、各種牽引架、固定架、頸托、醫用外固定支具拖具、四肢夾板、拐杖、等產品計合理,外形美觀,遠銷全國,部分產品出口歐美國傢,多年來,產品以其品質精良,價格合理的到客戶一直好評。 “新政公司”以優質的產品開拓市場,以勤勉的服務穩固市場為經營宗旨、秉持“厚德載物,以誠為本”的經營理念為主,為用戶提供完善的售前咨詢及售後服務。 經理閆建兵願與醫療各界同仁攜手共進,並歡迎醫界人士蒞臨指導! 
Anping County Xinzheng Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established on March 2006. It is a special company mainly dealing with class I, class II and some class III medical appliance instrument products. Another manufacture was set up in Xinzheng development zone. Main products: waist support, cervical collar,neck support , body brace , arm sling ,crutch and so on. Our company exploit market with high-quality products, regard persevering service firm the market as management aim, adhere to "Enrich ourselves wealth with virtue, prices with good faith as management theory, and offer complete consultation and pre-transaction and after-sale service to consumer. Our manager Jianbing Yan is willing to advance with medical field friends hand in hand, and person in medical field are welcomed to our company! |
由粘佈、織帶組成;適用於前臂、腕關節扭傷、手指扭傷,具有使用簡便,經濟實用等優點。 |