刺激乳頭和陰帝、以及大腿內側等敏感部位,調情、按摩、自慰。方便實用操作簡單! 隱蔽性好,放在化妝包也不會讓人尷尬!出口級質量,方便隱藏,適合新潮女性長期擁有。
本品國內大型工廠專門為國外知名成人品牌ADAM EVE訂做出口產品,進口機心,防水靜音,質量超好超劃算。大傢看一下下邊的圖片,是在國外網站上的售價和星級人氣。原商品大傢可上此網站查詢:http://www.adameve.com/(復制地址欄裡打開)。國外網站上顯示的可是美元哦,我們這裡隻需要9.6元的吉利價格沖四冠價格。想一下做中國女人確實是比美國女人要性福多啦。如果美國人看到這個價格就瘋啦。
然後再看看下邊的圖片,商品原包裝實拍圖你就可以清楚的看到本產品的品牌和美國網址,但是也可以在包裝右邊看到“made in china”的英文。這可是實實在在的出口原裝正品,絕非什麼假貨仿品。由此也可以看出來美國在我們這裡生產後再銷出去,美帝國主義從中賺瞭多少錢。
本品采用優質電機及ABS工程塑料精制而成,其做工精細、美觀、堅固、耐用、便於隨身攜帶,而且操作簡單、安全、使用時需放一節五號電池 ,非常省電,無任何副作用,由於本產品物美價廉、功能齊全。此產品亦可讓女性的性福生活更加刺激,滿足更高需要!此器具可作為調情用品,高振動頻率,起到按摩治療的作用,得到震動撫慰效果。
美國adameve(made in china)
Play rub-a-dub-dub with your clit in the tub all over the world thanks to this discreet waterproof vibrator!
- 4 interchangeable tips for multiple sensations
- Motor in vibrator’s tip for direct stimulation
- Small, discreet size make the vibrator perfect for travel
- Waterproof for fun anywhere and easy cleaning
- Made from plastic for durability with a soft coating
- Measures 1 inch across and 4 inches long
- Vibrator powered by 1 AA batteries, sold separately
Discreet and easy to carry, this handy mini vibrator is perfect for men and women on the go who need a vibrator that can keep up with their hectic schedule. The vibrator’s slim shape and massager-style design mean you can easily carry it in your purse or luggage. With it’s massager-styled design, no one will suspect that it’s actually a vibrator – making it very discreet and perfect for traveling.
The four tips slip over the head of the masturbator to offer you a wide range of different sensations and stimulation. The rounded tip is great for teasing your pussy. The small nubbed tip provides texture to help stimulate your clit. The graduated tips help concentrate vibration on one central point for greater pleasure. And the ring of tips is great for massaging all over your body.
The vibrator has one speed, so you don’t have to mess around with buttons to find the one you like. The motor is located in the tip, giving you maximum power and stimulation with each touch so you can get the most out of the single speed.
The *** toy features a watertight ring so you can enjoy it in the shower or pool. And the watertight seal means you can clean it without worrying about water leaking inside. Just be careful how you twist the vibrator. If you twist it too far in the shower, you can open it up and expose the battery to water.
The mini vibrator measures 4 inches long and 1 inch across. The *** toy is made from plastic, giving it a firm feeling for better massages and enhanced durability. A special coating makes the vibrator feel softer on your clit and other sensitive spots. The base twists to turn the vibrator on and off. Just keep twisting to open the vibrator’s battery compartment. The *** toy is powered by 1 AA battery, sold separately.
Adam and Eve recommends the Clit Dancer Mini Vibrator for women to use for clit stimulation and for couples to use during foreplay and ***.
This vibrator is compatible with water-based or silicone-based *** lubes. After using the *** toy, wa***** carefully in warm, soapy water and rinse it clean. Once the vibrator dries off, store it with the rest of your *** toy collection
