
  • 電波拉皮 美容儀器 微電波美容儀 面部美容儀
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    There are over 22 individual muscles in the human face.有超過22人面對的肌肉在。Within themlies the secret to looking young despite the passage of time.盡管在他們所在的通過時間來尋找年輕的秘密。

    The wrinkles, lines and “sagging” skin that come with aging largely result from the gradual weakening of the muscles underneath the skin.皺紋,線條和“下垂”皮膚,皮膚出現老化的主要結果肌肉下面從逐漸減弱。Keeping the facial muscles firm and toned smoothes the skin to restore a naturally youthful look.面部肌肉保持堅定和色調平滑皮膚恢復自然青春。

    In an unprecedented collaboration, Suzanne Somers has teamed up with one of the world's leading engineers and a top-flight medical spe to bring you an optimal toning experience—for lifelong beauty.在一個空前的合作,聯手專家蘇珊薩默斯了醫療一項世界領先的工程師和一流的為您帶來最佳的色調經驗為終身美麗。The FaceMaster® Platinum is an easy-to-use, patented toning system that individually stimulates each facial muscle group, firming those areas that normally suffer the ravages of time.該FaceMaster ®白金是一種易于使用的,專利的調色系統,每個單獨刺激面部肌肉群,緊實的地區,通常受到時間的蹂躪。Its revolutionary technology reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.其革命性的技術減少幼紋和皺紋的罰款。No expensive spa treatments.沒有昂貴的水療。No deadening injections.沒有隔音注射。No invasive surgical procedures.無侵入性手術。

    In just minutes a day, the FaceMaster® Platinum在短短幾分鐘內,每天的FaceMaster ®白金

    Smoothes forehead wrinkles平滑額頭皺紋Improves brow line提高眉線Diminishes dark circles and crow's feet減弱黑眼圈和魚尾紋Plumps cheeksPlumps臉頰Softens puppet lines柔軟線木偶Turns up smile muscles肌肉變成了微笑

    The makers of the FaceMaster® Platinum have taken a $12,000 piece of medical equipment, found exclusively in high-end beauty spas, and miniaturized it into a home unit—at a fraction of the cost.®白金生產商的FaceMaster采取了一塊1.2萬美元的醫療設備,水療中心發現只在高端的美麗,家庭小型化成為一個單位的成本的一小部分。Its sleek, efficient design allows for portability and easy storage.它的時尚,高效的設計使得便攜性和便于儲存。Take it anywhere and use it anytime.隨身攜帶,隨時使用它。

    The FaceMaster® Platinum sends a microcurrent of electricity that provides safe, gentle stimulation to the 22 muscles of the face.該FaceMaster ®白金發送一個微電流的電力,提供安全,溫和的刺激面部肌肉22。The result of over 15 years of research and testing, its new Advanced Wave Technology produces a light electrical pulse that optimally tones each muscle group.測試結果超過15年的研究,其新的先進技術生產的輕型波電脈沖,每個肌肉群最佳的音調。

    The FaceMaster® Platinum also features “Eye” and “Face” treatment modes, providing different levels of stimulation to accommodate the delicate areas around the eyes.該FaceMaster ®白金還具有“眼睛”和“面子”治療模式,提供不同層次,以適應刺激眼睛周圍脆弱的地區。An LCD display allows you to program the duration of each session for optimal results.一個液晶顯示器,您可以計劃的結果的期限為最佳每屆會議。Just place the FaceMaster® Platinum's two ergonomically designed Hand Wands at key “problem areas”—and watch as lines and wrinkles diminish for a naturally uplifted look.只需將兩個符合人體工程學設計的手權杖在關鍵“的問題領域的FaceMaster ®白金的”,并觀看線條和皺紋減少了自然隆起的外觀。This dual wand system solves the problem of “one-size-fits-all.” It enables you to customize your toning experience to suit your particular facial structure.這雙棒系統解決了問題,符合“一個尺寸的東西。”它讓你自定義你的調子的經驗,以滿足您特定的面部結構。

    This new and improved system also comes with Finger Wands that fit easily over your fingertips.這種新的和改進的系統還配備了適合手指權杖容易在你的指尖。You can sculpt and tone your face using just one hand.你可以你的臉造型與色調用單手。A simple guide shows you how.一個簡單的指南告訴您如何。The FaceMaster® Platinum comes with an easy-to-follow manual and DVD with Suzanne showing you her personal beauty regime, step by step, in real time.該FaceMaster ®白金帶有一個易于遵循的手冊和DVD的時間與蘇珊您展示她的個人美政權的一步,真正的,一步。As with any form of exercise, repeated use gives you better results.如同任何運動形式,反復使用,讓你更好的效果。(Suzanne uses it every day!) Your face remains tight, taut, and young-looking, no matter what your age.(蘇珊使用它的每一天!)你的臉依然緊張,繃緊,和年輕漂亮,無論你的年齡。

    The FaceMaster® Platinum also comes with a 3-month supply of Collagen Enhancing Serum with Peptides for use during each FaceMaster® session.該FaceMaster ®白金還帶有一個增強型膠原肽3個月的供應量與血清會議期間使用每個FaceMaster ®。Enriched with sea algae extracts and other age-defying ingredients, this novel formula supportscollagen and elastin in the skin.成分富含海藻提取物和其他年齡藐視,這種新穎的公式supportscollagen和皮膚彈性的。It reinforces the delicate matrix of skin tissue, erasing fine lines and wrinkles with each application.它強化了細膩的皮膚組織矩陣,清除細紋和皺紋的應用與每個。When used regularly, this unique technology gives you extraordinary results.經常使用時,這種獨特的技術給你非凡的成果。


    FaceMaster® Platinum is designed for use on healthy faces by healthy people.FaceMaster ®鉑是專為使用對健康所面臨的健康人。The FaceMaster® is not for use by people with cardiac pacemakers, implanted defibrillators or simulators, or with implanted electronic devices.該FaceMaster ®是不是心臟起搏器與使用人,植入去纖顫器或模擬器,或植入電子設備。The FaceMaster® should also not be used by people with any surgical implants in the facial area.該FaceMaster ®也不應使用面積人們在面部外科植入物與任何。This product is designed for cosmetic purposes only, and is designed specifically for the face – not for use on any other body parts.此產品是專為面部化妝之用,是專為-不為部分使用任何其他機構。








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