建議零售價 | ¥99.00 | 電源方式 | USB | 控製方式 | 機械式 |
品牌 | 普立 | 外觀形狀 | 近方/圓方形 | 適用部位 | 腿部,臀部,頸部,頭部,腰部,背部,腳部 |
上市時間 | 2014 | 檔位 | 1檔 | 觸頭種類 | 凸圓型按摩頭 |
貨號 | 588 | 顏色 | 白色 |

電動熱灸按摩棒 經絡溫熱全身隨處可使用,男女老少皆適宜!采用USB介面充電、也可用3節7號電池進行使用,體積小巧攜帶方便。不管出差、上班、傢居、旅遊……都可隨處隨時對身體各個部位按摩放松。此款產品有中文包裝和英文包裝,如需英文包裝請事先告知客服,沒備註則默認發貨中文包裝!
執行標準:GB4706.1-2005 GB4706.10-2008
在進行熱炙時,熱炙頭散發的熱氣或配合使用的藥物藥效就會進入我們的血液,增強人體免疫能力,促進新陳代謝,使 的生理機能得到提高,對一些慢性頑固性疾病治愈起到很好的輔助效果。熱炙可以增加白血球、紅血球的含量,同時可以加快血液循環。
而指壓是用手指沿著經絡壓迫穴位的治療方法。指壓原理:氣,是構成人體的基本物質,是臟器經絡等組織 進行生理活動的物質基礎。氣通則能量通。氣具有促進代謝作用,溫熱作用,防禦作用,固攝作用和氣化作用。氣通者,氣陰陽平衡者,則健康無病、抗病。
A handheld thermal moxibustion massage rod
This product through the ISO9001 quality system certification
Executive standard: GB4706.1-2005 GB4706.10-2008
The fusion of Chinese traditional massage, infrared health and modern electronic technology as one of the new products, through the human body acupoint heat moxibustion vibration massage, so as to stimulate related equipment and reflex action, promote human meridian patency, improve blood circulation, so as to achieve the purpose of health care.
Products of large power, high efficiency, the appearance of fashion generous, simple operation, convenient carrying, feel comfortable, not easy to slide, streamline design, beautiful and reasonable.
Products: Carton Size: 30.5 x 13 x 3.8cm
Carton size: 61.5x 39 x 64cm
Qty: 100 / box
Net / gross weight: 0.17 / 17kgs
This product will be physical massage and moxibustion vibration massage together, compact and lightweight.
As everyone knows, hot moxibustion is a traditional medical method, it passes on the surface of the body meridians, acupuncture, pain at the site of a certain degree of stimulation, given meridian warm atmosphere, so that blood circulation, so as to achieve the aim of preventing and treating diseases. Hot moxibustion increased human white cells and red blood cells, thereby enhancing on bacterial phagocytosis function and nutrient rotation function, promote health. The radiotherapy induced leukopenia recovery, also very useful.
In the thermal, thermal head heat or with the use of drugs will enter our blood, strengthen the immunity of human body, promote the new supersedes the old. The physiological function, which improves, for a number of chronic intractable disease cure played a very good supporting effect. Hot moxibustion can increase white blood cell, red blood cell levels, and can accelerate blood circulation.
While the finger fingers along the meridian acupoint therapeutic method of oppression. Shiatsu principle: gas, is a human basic material, is the organ meridians tissues to perform their physiological activity of material base. Gas for energy. Gas can promote the metabolism, thermal effect, a defensive role, solid oxygen effect and gasification. Gas pass gas, the balance of yin and Yang, is healthy, disease resistance.
Combined with vibration massage, can eliminate fatigue, make your body feel more comfortable.
