品牌 | 紅葉 | 材質 | 玻璃載玻片 | 規格 | 25.4*76.2*1.2mm |
標準 | 高教標準 | 用途 | 醫學院教學 |
新品推薦 結構清晰 細胞生物學玻片 人體病理切片
1 | Atherosclerosis ,sec | 動脈粥樣硬化 |
2 | Myocardial Infarction | 心肌梗死 |
3 | Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas | 非何傑金氏淋巴瘤 |
4 | Purulent meningitis | 化膿性腦膜炎 |
5 | Skin papilloma | 皮膚乳頭狀瘤 |
6 | Breast adenofibroma | 乳腺癌 |
7 | Emphysema | 肺氣腫 |
8 | Lung of smoking | 吸煙肺 |
9 | Lobar pneumonia | 大葉性肺炎 |
10 | Lobular pneumonia | 小葉性肺炎 |
11 | Lung tuberculosis, sec | 肺結核,切片 |
12 | Appendicitis, sec | 闌尾炎 |
13 | Biliary cirrhosis, sec | 膽汁性肝硬化,切片 |
14 | Gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍 |
15 | Liver fatty metamorphosis,sec. | 肝脂肪變性 |
16 | Carcinoma of oesophagus,sec. | 食管癌切片 |
17 | Stomach carcinoma,sec. | 胃癌,切片 |
18 | Hepatitis,sec | 肝炎,切片 |
19 | Liver Carcinoma ,sec. | 肝癌 |
20 | colon Adenocarcinoma,sec. | 結腸腺癌 |
21 | Renal atrophy,sec | 腎萎縮,切片 |
22 | Prostate carcinoma, sec | 前列腺癌 |
23 | Prostate Hyperplasia sec | 前列腺增生,切片 |
24 | Prostatitis, sec | 前列腺炎,切片 |
25 | Uterine leiomyoma, sec | 子宮平滑肌瘤,切片 |
26 | Uterine cervical adenocarcinoma, sec | 子宮頸腺癌,切片 |
27 | Uterine stromal sarcoma, sec | 子宮間質肉瘤,切片 |
28 | Thyroid adenoma | 甲狀腺腺瘤 |
29 | Thyroid carcinoma, sec. | 甲狀腺腺癌切片 |
30 | Typhoid fever of intestines | 腸傷寒 |
31 | Cervical polyp | 宮頸息肉 |
32 | Hodgkin’s cells disease, Lymphoma, HL | 霍奇金病 |
33 | Chronic cholecystitis | 慢性膽囊炎 |
34 | Atrophy of skeletal muscle | 骨骼肌萎縮 |
35 | Connective tissue, hyaline degeneration | 結締組織透明變性 |
36 | Caseous necrosis (lymph, kidney) | 腎梗塞 |
37 | Granulation tissue | 肉芽組織 |
38 | Thrombus | 血栓 |
39 | Fibroma | 纖維瘤 |
40 | Hemangioma | 血管瘤 |
41 | Chronic bronchitis | 慢性支氣管炎 |
42 | Osteosarcoma | 骨肉瘤 |
43 | Choriocarcinoma | 絨(毛)膜癌 |
44 | Silicosis | 矽肺病 |
45 | Cancer of nasopharynx (vesicular nucleus Cell Carcinoma) | 鼻咽癌 |
46 | Hypertension disease renal | 高血壓病腎 |
47 | Brain astrocytoma | 腦星形細胞瘤 |
48 | Type B epidemic encephalitis | 流行性腦炎 |
49 | Miliary tuberculosis | 粟粒性結核 |
50 | Acute bacilli diarrhea | 急性痢疾桿菌病 |
新品推薦 結構清晰 細胞生物學玻片 人體病理切片
![新品推薦 結構清晰 細胞生物學玻片 人體病理切片_生物教學器材_教學模型、器材_辦公、文教_貨源_批發一路發](http://www.marketplace.com.tw/skin/en/image/step.jpg)