產品圖片 |
產品特點 |
極具商務氣質,賦予圓珠筆更獨特的氣質與外形,從而提升其禮品的自身價值! |
產品參數說明 |
1. 產品編號:P10 2. 產品材質:銅 3. 產品尺寸:無 |
物流/快遞說明 |
樣品一般發順豐快遞,大貨發德邦物流 |
聯系方式 | |||
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公司簡介 |
我司是一傢集設計、開發、生產、銷售於為一體的商務禮品企業。專業生產各種高中檔商務禮品,包括匙扣,鐘座,筆座,便條座,相架,錢夾,開瓶器,筆記本,信用卡夾,U盤,手機座等,材料涵括五金,皮具,水晶,亞加力等…… 擁有過硬的技術力量和完善的生產設備,使用優質的材料打造高檔的商務禮品,還可根據客戶不同的要求進行設計或改款生產,加印LOGO,工藝涵括凹嘜,填油,絲印,滴膠,鐳射,蝕刻等等 。產品遠銷全球及暢銷國內各市場。 我們秉承“質量至上,誠信為本,用心服務”的經營理念,專註,專業,創新.努力創造出更多至臻至善的產品,客戶的滿意是我們的樂此不疲的追求。希望和各界商友攜手建立長期的合作的友好夥伴關系, 一並努力,共達雙贏! 誠信是駿晟全體員工立足的根本!質量是駿晟全體員工的生命! More Gift Co,. Ltd has secured an unrivaled status in providing customers worldwide with quality products ranging from low to high ends. Over these years, We has been serving a long list of loyal and new customers. With strong background and unique in-house original designs, the Group promises to keep on providing only the best and reasonable priced products to cater the customers’ ever changing demands.. Staff members of Research & Development, Design, Marketing, Sales and Logistic department are working closely together under one roof in providing best-tailored customer service. Full range of product samples are being displayed in showrooms. Such trendy and patent items include all sorts of keyholders, clocks, name card cases, desktop items, wine & cigar accessories, household items and gifts sets. |
