東莞銅發模具廠建廠於2001年,主營CNC,電腦鑼加工,擁有大型CNC機5臺,雕刻機8臺,電腦鑼3臺,是東莞模具行業的先鋒,.....經營項目有:塑膠模,鞋模,鼠標墊模具,立體弧雕模,汽車墊模,杯墊模, 地墊模具,膠章模,浴缸墊模具,吊牌模具,以及各式PVC高週波模具加工;材質有:銅,鋁,鋼,鐵….交期快捷,價格合理,建廠以來受到許多客戶的好評,客戶遍及東莞,深圳,廣州各地,遠至寧波,福建,廣西,山東等地,本著“高品質,低價位,服務周,交期快,以人為本”的生產經營理念,我們定能成為您工作上的良好合作夥伴,歡迎有需要之士來電來函咨詢洽談,謝謝!

Tong Fa mould company was established on 2001.Professional in producing all kinds of engrave moulds.We have 5CNC machines,8 engrave machine, and 3 Exquisite CNC machines. We can produce plastic mould. Shoes mould, PVC min-injection mould, Brass mould (for tag, Key chain .Coaster tie tack and so on).Aluminum moulds, Car coaster moulds and so on. If you have any inquiry or design. Please feel freely to contact with me .I will try my best to quote the best price for you. Following “ high quality, low price, best service , prompt delivery”.We can become one of the best partners of your company. Thanks!
