河間市芳華拉絲模具廠(原河間市光華拉絲模廠前身王莊製模廠),創建於1962年至今已有50餘年歷史。我廠專業製做合金模具:絞線模(穿線模、過線模、引線模)、調直模、擠壓模(合線模)、擠塑模(線咀模)、拉絲模、拔管模、冷墩模、異形模具等;鉆石模具:天然金剛石模、聚晶模、進口聚晶模;並生產與之相匹配的各種型號拔絲粉。本廠引進計算機自動控製的先進的機械設備,並擁有先進的激光穿孔、電火花擴孔、超音波、高精度研磨和線拋光等加工機械設備和雄厚的技術人員力量。 | 總經理:宋景芳 |
我廠產品銷售於全國十幾個省/市,具有相當旺盛的生命活力,近幾年已錄入北方情報網和河北經濟網,並有自己單獨的網站產品遠銷美國、日本、朝鮮等國傢,並把產品打入瞭國際市場。在廣大用戶中樹立瞭良好的企業形象。 | |
產品特點:材質優良,加工細膩,精密度高,光潔度好,耐磨性強,使用壽命長. | |
我廠的宗旨是:沒有最好,隻有更好;技術精湛,精益求精。 Hejian City Fanghua drawing mold factory (Hejian City Guanghua Drawing Die predecessor Wangzhuang molding factory plant), founded in 1962 has been more than 40 years. I do alloy plant professional system Die: stranding mode (threading die, in lane Die, Die lead), straighten die, extrusion die (a line mode), Extrusion Die (Aguilar-line), the drawing module, extubation Die, Die cold pier, profiled die; Diamond Die: Natural Diamond Die, Die polycrystalline, imports polycrystalline module, and to match production with the various models of Roberts powder. Our introduction of advanced computer control of machinery and equipment, and advanced laser perforation, EDM reaming, ultrasound, high-precision grinding and polishing line, and other processing machinery and equipment and strong technical staff strength. I plant product sales in the country more than 10 provincial / municipal, quite exuberant vitality, in recent years has been the time of admission to the North intelligence network in Hebei and economic network, and have their own separate website products are exported to the United States, Japan, Korea and other countries, And the products into the international market. The majority of users establish a good corporate image. Features: Material fine, fine processing, high precision, finish good, strong wear resistance, long life. I plant's aim is: There is no best, only better skilled, better. |
