led防盜器 安防假電視 led fake tv
工廠直銷led安防假電視 led 防賊電視 tv simulator 安防小夜燈
1, 發出類似電視的動態光源,變換色彩;
2, 內置光源感應器, 天黑就自動開機。
3, LED省電,不到3瓦,不用開著大屏幕的電視機費電嚇賊瞭;
4, 設備考慮不同年齡層的需求,講求操作簡單;
5, 自動開關機,再也不用擔心外出忘開防賊設備瞭。開關有四檔:關機, 天黑+4小時
(藍燈亮) 天黑後自動開機,工作4小時後自動待機;天黑+8小時( 紅燈亮),天黑後自動開機,工作8小時後自動待機; 開(全天候工作)。
1, 防賊。當您外出時,讓賊覺得您在傢,讓他少惦記,讓您放心外出揮霍去吧。
2, 當您一個人在傢感到冷清時,放它在另一個房間,猶如親人在身邊。
3、 夜晚多瞭一個彩燈,讓傢裡更溫馨、動感。
3, 防賊電視隻是讓賊感覺傢裡有人,僅僅能起到阻嚇作用,可以降低被盜的風險。賊來時並不能真正起到阻賊的作用。各位用戶仍需鎖好門窗。因賊入室盜竊造成的損失,我司不承擔任何責任和損失。請您諒解!
Home Security TV Fake TV
Home Security TV is a light on a timer, Simulates scene and colorchanges, fades, and on-screen motion. Home Security TV make light
same as the light from a HD television.It is constantly changing, and gives the impression of "alive." Home Security TV makes it
look like someone is home watching TV. So buy a Home Security TV and reduce your chance of becoming the next burglary victim.
Burglars always circle a house before entering. Few burglars will enter a home that they think some one is home.You reduce your odds of a break-in. Thieves have enough time to
do their damage before the police arrive. Burglars can cause you much misery in a "smash and grab" robbery. But they are much less
likely to attempt such a robbery if they think somebody is home. Home Security TV gives just that impression.Neither Home Security TV nor any home security system can
guarantee you will not have a break in. You should never slack off your security precautions. You still need good locks. But, you can make your home look occupied, and thus improve your odds, for a remarkably modest price, and with no hassle at all.
1. Built in light sensor and timer
2. Small: about the size of a coffee cup
3. Bright: light output equivalent to 27" HDTV
4. Saves energy -- consumes just the power of a night-light.
5. Ultra brilliant LED light display.
6. Simulates scene and color changes, fades, and on-screen motion
7. No technical experience necessary. Easy plug and perform activation. Simple instructions.
8. AC Adaptor included
1. Deters burglars
2. Peace of mind while you are away
3. Use any time you are gone for the evening
4. Perfect for vacations
5. Make it look like someone else must be home in the next room, even when you are alone
6. Make a vacation home or vacant property look lived-in
1, plug Home Security TV in the included adaptor,
2, move the switch to "Dusk + 4 Hrs". Blue lights on.The built-
in light sensor will turns Home Security TV on at dusk, and it
work continously 4 hours and Standby automatically.
3,Or move the switch to "Dusk + 8 Hrs". Red lights on.and it
work continously 8 hours and standby automatically.
4,Move the switch to the”ON”, it will start work at once all
day and all night.
5, Move the switch to the”OFF”, it will Turn Off.
1.Usage occasions: Please observe related national regulations strictly, do not use this product for other illegal purposes, otherwise you must take the consequence.
2.Usage environment: Do not use the product in humid and high-temperature environment, and it does not have waterproof and high temperature resistant functions.
3. Aim at a translucent shade or windows.
4, Make sure the products can’t be seen from outside.
