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    耐爾金iPhone7鋼化玻璃膜 蘋果7 3D鋼化膜 CP+MAX全覆蓋防爆膜
    商品代碼: 11284774
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    易淘數位· 專註手機配件 品牌配件代理分銷運作


    —— 誠信為本 創新致遠 服務客戶 ——

    歡迎聯系 旺旺洽談    銷售經理:謝生 136702 12662    微信:136702 12662    QQ:136702 12662


    3D CP+ MAX 全覆蓋防爆鋼化膜
    采用經幾十小時高溫鋼化處理的特殊玻璃,硬度高達9H,防禦性高,無懼任何尖利物體對屏幕的傷害,耐刮花、抗沖擊、不易碎。先進的防爆技術,即使玻璃意外碎裂也能成形如蛛網的花紋,無碎片脫落,可防止濺傷旁人。表麵使用升級版疏油塗層,更有效地防指紋、抗油污,且可以有效阻擋、過濾紫外線,順滑靈敏,親測支持3D touch。經抗炫光處理的高清塗層,透光率高達99.9%,展現與iPhone色值幾近無差的原畫級屏幕色彩,同時還能有效防止炫光衍生。融合先進貼膜加工技術,厚度僅有0.33mm,一貼即合,更易安裝。進口高檔矽膠特製塗層,環保無污染,水洗後仍可反復使用!
    適用型號:iPhone 7              材質:日本進口AGC玻璃
    工藝:精雕磨邊、熱彎技術        顏色:鋼甲黑,象牙白


    【Buyers must read】: wher the company's shipment of goods, in the sale or use of the process have quality problems or have less hair, please contact us, we will for the first time to you, and give you a satisfactory answer.



    1. Goods to arrive at the place of receipt, no matter outside the box is damaged, need to check out of the box, must face to face inspection check, after the confirmation sign, customer receipt after the default on the shipment of the product quantity and category has no objection, so after receipt does not accept a few goods complaints; if products because of transport problems produced damaged, please let the relevant transportation companies, according to the official seal of the proof, and this proved available to us, we assist clients claim; if the goods are damaged or lost caused by the logistics. We will not be liable for responsibility.



    2.long-term cooperation of wholesale customers and distribution customers we take long to take the long protection system. The customer goods with a small amount, we according to the relevant laws and regulations execution (within 7 days of non-human quality problems returned goods, 30 day warranty, warranty functional products within 180 days, protection class no warranty). Customers in product quality problems to return. Please use ordinary courier back to our company, to advance freight customers. If the customer not with the customer communication, direct return, we will not accept; my company does not receive pay.



    3. Buyers are not satisfied or not to sell, buy on the grounds that he was wrong, actually no quality problem, we will not return;


    4.保修產品需要在保修時間內退回,產品外觀完整可以保修。未經授權擅自修理、改裝; 未按正常方法使用、貯存的產品不在保修范圍內。

    4.warranty products need to return within the warranty period, the product appearance integrity can be guaranteed. To repair or modify without authorization; the products that are not used and stored in normal methods are not in the scope of warranty.

    耐爾金iPhone7鋼化玻璃膜 蘋果7 3D鋼化膜 CP+MAX全覆蓋防爆膜_iphone 7保護膜_iphone7_iphone_蘋果Apple配件_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i