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    商品代碼: 11271905
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。


    2.因考慮客戶不可能所有產品在收到貨後都逐一檢查,我們允許收貨後7天內再發現有質量問題,我們都可以給您換貨或退 貨處理。
    3.客戶對產品顏色或款式的指定,我們會盡力滿足,但不一定能100%滿足。如因顏色和款式不符合, 將不予退換貨(客戶可註明無法按要求配貨可做缺貨處理);
    4.買傢以不滿意或不好賣為理由,產品實際沒有 質量問題,我們將不予退換貨;
    5.客戶在收貨時無論外包裝箱是否破損,都需要開箱檢查,如有產品因運輸問題 產生破損,請讓相關運輸公司出據加蓋公章的證明,並將此證明提供給我們,由我們來協助客戶進行索賠;如因物流造成貨物有破損或丟失,我們將不承擔相關責任.
    6.所有客戶請保護好產品包裝的完整、配件或相關資料的齊全,產品自身有質量問題的,在規定的時間內我們都將給於換貨;(單獨換貨運費由客 戶承擔,建議下次訂單換補)
    7.如退回的產品包裝不完整、配件或相關資料不齊;未經授權擅自修理、改裝; 未按正常方法使用、貯存;超出產品保修期;退回產品貼有標簽,弄虛做假,我們將不承擔退換;
    8.客戶在發 現產品質量問題退貨時,請用普通快遞退回我公司,運費客戶墊付,公司在收到貨後會按快遞清單貼補運費和商品實際費用,若客戶在未與客服溝通情況下,直接退貨,我們將不予受理;謝謝你的配合 ,溝通從心開始!

    [required] buyers: wher to buy the company any goods, quality problems or have less hair, please contact us, we will give you the first time to solve the problem, and give you a satisfactory answer:
    1. Within 7 days of receipt (in the consignment date of receipt of the subject) such as the discovery of functional failure, product quality problems, please contact us promptly; overdue inadmissible, false false of a verified is inadmissible;
    2. Because of considering the customer could not have all the products after received the goods one by one check, we allow within 7 days after receipt of the goods and found to have quality problems, we can give you a replacement or return of goods.
    3 customers on the product color or style designation, we will try our best to meet, but not necessarily be able to meet the 100%. As a result of color and style does not meet, will not return (the customer can not indicate the required distribution do understocked processing);
    4 buyers to unsatisfactory or sell products the actual reason, there is no quality problems, we will not return;
    Customers. Upon receipt, regardless of outside the box is damaged, need to check out of the box, for product because of transport problems produced damaged, please let the relevant transportation companies, according to the official seal of the proof and the proof provided to us, by us to assist clients claim; such as material flow caused by the goods are damaged or lost due to. We will not be liable for responsibility.
    6. All customers please protect product packaging complete, accessories or related information is complete, product has quality problems, within a prescribed time we will give a replacement; (separate exchange freight by the client to bear, it is suggested that the next order for compensation)
    7. If returned product packaging is not complete, accessories or related information is missing; not authorized unauthorized repair, modification; not according to normal method use and storage. Beyond the product warranty period; returned products labeled, falsifying false, we will not bear the return;
    8. The client in the return of product quality problems, please use ordinary courier back to our company, to advance freight customers, the company after received the goods will according to the express list primage and the actual cost of commodities, if the customer in not with the customer communication, direct return, we will not accept. Thank you for your cooperation, communication from the heart!
         (online negotiation)

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i