地址:中國廣東省東莞市橫瀝鎮隔坑村智谷科技園A5棟一樓 | |
Address: NO.A5#,Ge Keng Road, HengLi Town, Dongguan City,Guangdong Province ,China | |
聯系人(contact): 中文名:彭玉權 English Name: Tom | |
聯系電話(mobile phone): 0086+13580818007 | |
郵箱(mailbox):[email protected] / [email protected] | |
東莞市嘉合電子有限公司 | |
Dongguan city JIAHE electronics co.,LTD | |
公 司 介 紹 | |
company introduce | |
東莞市嘉合電子有限公司成立於2010年5月; | |
Dongguan city JIAHE electronics co., LTD was established in may 2010 ; | |
東莞市嘉合電子有限公司是一傢集開發;設計;生產;銷售為一體的公司;公司憑借高效的服務; | |
優異的價格,在矽膠行業中得到較快發展! | |
Dongguan city JIAHE electronics co.,LTD is a collection development,design; | |
production and sales for the integraion of the company.the company relies excellent | |
price and efficent service in silicone industry rapid rise! | |
公司現有200T油壓機6臺,250T油壓6臺,12英寸煉膠一臺,9英寸煉膠機1臺,噴沙機2臺;研磨機1臺; | |
占地2000多平方,並在東莞橫瀝鎮開設分廠,對客人的產品的保密性有瞭更大的保障! | |
our company has existing 200 T hydraulic machine 6 units and 250 T hydraulic machi- | |
ne 6 units;9 inches mixing machine 1 unit, 12 inches mixing machine 1 unit, sandblas- | |
ting machine 2 units;grinding machine 1 unit; covers an area of more than 1300 square, | |
and in the Hengli Town dongguan city open other one silicon factory;for the customer | |
confidentiality have greater security! | |
公司主要生產各種矽膠、橡膠、塑膠類產品,手環,手鏈,項鏈,手碗帶,香水瓶套,矽膠餐具,密封圈,洗手液瓶套,口紅套,唇彩套,矽膠餐具,女性矽膠用品,嬰兒矽膠用品,成人用品,電子周邊矽膠用品 | |
矽膠碗,刀,牙刷等;矽膠材料耐酸;耐油;耐堿;耐高溫220度;耐低溫-40度,較強的拉伸力和回 | |
彈力,絕對的環保,還可以做食品級,所以廣泛用於各個行業! | |
Our company main manufacture silicon rubber products,the main production bracelet; | |
bangle;necklace;silicone wristband;perfume bottle holder;silicoen tableware;seal ring, | |
silicon bowl;dish;knife;teeth brush etc;because the silicon can pass SGS;FDA;ROHS; | |
LFGB;etc test,Resistant to oil;Alkali resistance;Resistance to high temperature of | |
220 degrees;Resistance to low temperature and 40 degrees, strong tensile strength | |
and resilience, absolute environmental protection, so it is windely in various | |
industries! | |
我們公司在2014年註冊香港嘉合國際有限公司,可直接收外匯,美元,日元,港幣等! | |
Our company had registered HK JIAHE INTERNATIonAL LIMITED in 2014. And can be | |
derectly accept foreign currency,such as dollar;yen,HK,etc; | |
東莞市嘉合電子有限公司 | |
Dongguan city JIAHE electronics co.,LTD | |
公司願景(company vision): | |
成為矽膠行業中的一個航母型企業! | |
Our company become a most great company in the silicon industry! | |
公司核心價值觀(Company's core values): | |
成就客戶,造福為嘉合而奮鬥的人! | |
Let customer more successful! | |
Let the people in order to JIAHE struggle more successful! | |
質量體系(quality system) | |
交付產品合格率達到99.5%! | |
delivered product is 99.5% qualified! | |
客訴率每月小於1%批次! | |
Customer complaint rate is less than 1% per month batch! | |
製程不良小於5%! | |
Less than 5% defective products in production! | |
客人滿意度達到100%! | |
Service satisfaction reached 100% | |
您的滿意,是我們最大的追求! | |
Your satisfaction is our greatest pursuit! |
