品牌 | 傑威刻激光設備 | 型號 | WKD-1025 |
打印速度 | 1.2(字/s) | 打印範圍 | 100x100(mm) |
打印深度 | 1.2(mm) | 類型 | 激光打碼機 |
打印方向 | 單向打印 | 適用工件 | 平面 |
包裝類型 | 瓶、杯、帶、袋、箱、碟、管、罐、盒、桶、碗、泡沫、軟管、利樂包、易拉罐、其他 | 氣源壓力 | 100(MPa) |
重量 | 230(kg) | 外形尺寸 | 1200x480x1250(mm) |
自動化程度 | 全自動 | 適用行業 | 餐飲、服裝、化工、家紡、禮品、工藝品、日化、食品、玩具、五金、機械、煙酒、醫藥、其他 |
YAG laser machine is a solid laser machine with infrared light whose wavelength of frequency band is 1.064. It uses krypton lamp as energy source (driving source).As a medium for producing laser, YAG can send out special wavelength to let effective substance level of energy jump higher so that it can let off laser. After the energy of laser is strengthened, it will form a laser beam to process the material. The path of the laser beam will be changed through the resonance mirror controlled by computer so as to accomplish automatic marking
Performance indices:
With high speed scanning resonance mirror to get high precision and high speed Thesoftware controlling system has the interface of Windows and comprises files output by software such as CorelDraw, AutoCAD, and Photoshop It can support graphic file formats such as PLT, PCX, DXF, and BMP; and use fonts such as SHX and TTF directly It also can mark automatic code, sequence number, batch number, date, bar code and two-dimensional code. The software can mark the figures on the opposite side You can use the computer to design figures and characters randomly, so it's very flexible and convenient. It won't waste printing materials so the processing cost is low Laser marking is non-toxic, wear and without deformation or pollution You can choose revolving worktable which is suitable for marking round products
Product application:
It can be used in the industries of metal, alloy and oxide, ABS, epoxy resin, printing and ink. It's widely used in the industries such as electron component, electric appliance, jewel, glasses, hardware, car component, communication products, plastic keystroke and IC
Technology parameters:
Parameter LG-YAG-50W
Max. laser power (W): 50
Laser wave-length (um): 1.064
Laser repetition frequency (kHz): <50
Standard marking area (mm): 100 x 100 or 50 x 50, 150 x 150, 200 x 200
Marking depth (mm): <0.3
Linear speed (mm/s): <7,000
Min. line width (mm): 0.015
Min. character size (mm): 0.3
Repetition accuracy (mm): 0.003
Power consumed (kW): <5
Electrical source: 220 15% V AC, 50Hz, 30A
The outline size of the system (L x W x H) standards by the real size:
Optical system: 1,200 x 430 x 1,200
Cooling system: 380 x 630 x 740
Control system: 560 x 660 x 1,000
Software: Windows XP + AHLASER marker system
A set of machine is composed of the path of rays, cold water tank, control chest, monitor, worktable and outside-set air conditioner. You can choose revolving worktable and automatic matching system
Cold water tank, monitor, revolving worktable and automatic
