項目 內容 | Item Contents |
照度: 80000-160000Lux | Illumination 80000-160000Lux |
80000-160000Lux | 80000-160000Lux |
色溫: 4300±500K | Color temperature 4300±250K |
光斑直徑: 160~280(mm) | light field diameter 160~280(mm) |
照射深度: ≥1000(mm) | Depth of illumination ≥1000(mm) |
亮度調節: 十檔連續調光 | Brightness to adjust: Ten gear continuously adjust |
術者頭部溫升: ≤2° | Patient’s head temperature: ≤2° |
電源: AC220/50Hz | Power: AC220/50Hz |
輸出功率: 460VA | Input power: 460VA |
燈泡類型、鹵素燈 150/150W/24V | Bulb Type: Halogen,150/150W/24V |
主副燈自動切換:025秒 | Lamp switch time : 025秒 |
顯色指數: ≥97% | Color rendering index:≥97% |
六維關節:360° | Six dimensional joint: 360° |
最低安裝高度: 2900mm | Minimum height of installation: 2900mm |
