型號名稱:JGD-350AF型高頻電刀 MODEL:MODEL JGD-350AF HICH FREQUENCY ELECTROTOME | ||||||||||||||||||||
機器類型:I類CF型防除顫設備 工作頻率:512KHz | ||||||||||||||||||||
特點FEATURES 1. 全電腦雙CPU閉環控制 2. 三路顯示,帶記憶功能。 3. 精確功率設定,最高達350W的功率滿足各類手術的需要,適用於所有科室。 4. 獨立控制輸出端口,從而確保安全運用。 5. 國際通用安全病人回路極板接觸質量檢測系統(CVREM)自動激勵系統(CVPPS) 6. 先進功率密度反饋技術。 7. 多達十三種輸出模式,輸出功率精度高,穩定性、可靠性強。 8. 雙路手控輸出,獨立雙極腳控輸出。 9. 低電壓切割模式,腹腔鏡手術切割更安全有效。 10. 高電壓凝血功能更可升級為氬氣電刀。 11. 低電壓雙極凝血,有效防止鑷子粘連和組織焦痂 | ||||||||||||||||||||
CPU MCU and high-speed programmer work cork cooperatively,fully digital control, computer automatic judgement equipment,start-up fault automatic check equipment, sinle/double automatic conversion,modulate amplitude and power when power is in closed loop, circuit is Made into signle/bipolar mode,han/foot output mode and six operating modes,the product can be suitable for various surgical operations and infant fine surgeries,meanwhile,it can also cooperate with varous endoscopes to carry out endoscopic operations. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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