針織保暖套件 Knitting warm set
材質:搖粒絨紡 Material: polar fleece
尺寸: 根據客人要求定制 Size: Customers request
公司主要經營:手套、圍巾、帽子、套件、圍脖、搖粒絨/珊瑚絨毯子、童毯、運動服飾以及配件、針織服裝 公司產品90%以上出口至歐美以及日本等國 承接外單,產品質量可靠,服務及時,價格在同行業中有競爭力,可根據客戶要求定制規格參數 客戶第一互利共贏 Main Products: Knitting glove, scarf, hat, warmset, neck warmer, blanket, sportsware and accessories and garment. More than 90% products export to Europe, USA and Japan market Offer OEM order, reliable quality, on time service, competitive price, our effort will make you win the marketing competition.
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