
  • pro extender男用增大系統-增大器
    商品代碼: 1043801
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    Product Description

    ProExtender Penis Enlargement System/Penis Extender/Penis Strecher/adult toy/sex toy/sex products/Extensions 

    [Specification] system of two components: 
    1. Compound penis larger devices; 
    2. Penis Enlargement penis increased training course(one CD) 
    English instruction 

    Size: Suitable for the use of adult males (all code) 

    Increase in erect length of 2.8cm(1.1inch) after 1100 hours at 1200g traction force 
    The corresponding flaccid increases is 1.9cm or 0.75inch 

    12 patented technologies, the European Certification of Health, the World Association of Men`s Health recommended 

    Safety without side effects, sustained growth, the top 29 developed countries in the same respected medical experts 

    Also Increased training of the penis Enlargement Guide 

    Without invasive surgery or even embrrassing doctors appointments 

    Can use it at home 

    Use the same proven methods that orthopaedic specialists use in lengthening limbs 

    ProExtender composite devices for increasing penis provides the necessary precise traction. Gradually the traction rises, the body`s have a natural reaction to a modest external force, and gradually increase the tissue cells and expand the cells of penis 

    Are You Unhappy With Your Penis? 

    The ProExtender System is a non surgical penis enlargement device designed to safely increase the size of your penis using clinically proven methods. The ProExtender System can increase the overall size of your penis by 30% in just a few short months. 

    With the ProExtender™ System you can expect: 

    Bigger, harder and stronger erections 
    Straighten penis curvature 
    Stop erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation 
    Improved stamina and recovery time 
    More powerful and intense orgasms 
    Better sex! 

    Is the ProExtender system safe? 

    Yes. The ProExtender device was developed by a doctor specialising in plastic surgery and penis enlargement surgery. The device is designed to apply tension gently and safely, so there should be no discomfort. 

    Are the results permanent? 

    Yes, all gains in penis size are permanent. If you decide to stop using the ProExtender all gains you have achieved will be retained. For maximum results you should use the Proextender device for 6 months. 

    How much bigger can the ProExtender make my penis? 

    On average you can expect an increase of 24% in penis length and 19% in girth, although some men have reported increases of 30% or more 

    When should I wear the Proextender device? 

    When you wear the ProExtender is up to your own personal preference really. The device is small enough to worn discreetly under loose fitting pants. You can wear it pretty much any where. Most men use the device at night when they are less active such as watching TV. The Proextender can also be worn while you sleep provided you don`t toss and turn too much. 

    Does the ProExtender as sex toy have any other benefits? 

    Obviously the ProExtender is a penis enlargement device but it also has a number of other benefits. The ProExtender can also straighten penis curvature, stop erectile dysfunction, and improve sexual performance. 

    Here is a realistic timetable for what you will achieve with the ProExtender System: 

    Week One Through Week Four ProExtender Penis Enlargement System 
    During this period, you will adjust to the traction of the device and establish your best schedule for using it. You will experience some increases in length. The most noticeable change will be enhancements in sexual performance and semen volume increase, giving you longer lasting erections and more intense orgasms.















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    pro extender男用增大系統-增大器_助勃增大器_男用情趣用品_情趣用品_貨源_批發一路發
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