
  • 2011年新款 便宜實惠的擰水推把 傢庭必備的好拖把
    商品代碼: 5419978
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    Product directions

    A:Renew the strip/step around the upside dise (the same direction with the screw).push the handle to the opposite direction. the upside dise will separate from strip disc.

    B:Assemble the mop/Touth the upside dise to strip dise descending. step on another direction by on foot  and click it. then it is finished.

    C:Adjust the angle/The angle of the handle can be adjusted to 4590180(press or pull the link to adjust it).

    D:Highest water level/Please pay attation to the highese water level when you use the product. avoid to overflow when dehydrating.

    EF:Forcibly dehydrate/when cleaning the strip . 

    G:Control the humidity:/Step on the footplate by one foot ,it can be dehydrated immediately. it's safty and laborsaving. (according the different requirement ,such as decontaminatecleaningwipe off dust, adjust the dehydrafting time to control the humidity).

    H:Protect the slip cover/Hold the slip cover gengly to fix the handle when dehyrating ,it will protect your hand to prevent slipping and rubbing .(more the slip cover to the upside of the handle when using it, avoid to move up and down).

    2011年新款 便宜實惠的擰水推把 傢庭必備的好拖把_拖把拖布桶套裝_家務清潔用具_家居用品_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i