
  • 專業制造線路板切腳機 剪腳機 pcb切腳機 質量保證 保修一年!
    商品代碼: 2662575
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    加工定制:是 品牌:慶達科技 型號:QD168

    東莞市慶達自動化設備科技有限公司 是一傢集科研開發、設計、制造大型非標準自動化生產線成套設備和非標加工自動化設備的高科技企業。公司擁有一支朝氣蓬勃、有膽、有識並富有理性的中高層經營管理技術開發隊伍,通過學習與研究,形成瞭一整套適合自身發展管理體系,使得整個公司在從業務咨詢、技術認證、加工制造、安裝調試及售後服務的運作中得到規范運行,為企業的發展奠定瞭堅實的基礎。同時擁有一大批技術熟練的產業工人,他們是保證高等級產品質量的關鍵因素。













    除瞭本公司之產品獲得各界的贊賞和肯定而與其建立良好的夥伴關系外,本公司亦竭誠為各制造業廠商用戶提供各方麵的信息和技術研討。期望閣下能作出一個最明智的選擇:選擇『 東莞市慶達自動化設備科技有限公司 』為閣下之制造供貨商。


    全國統一免費熱線:400-800-3028 http://www.qingda168.com/


    Dongguan Qingda automation equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is a collection of scientific research development, design, manufacture of large non-standard automation production line complete sets of equipment and non-standard processing automation equipment of high-tech enterprises. The company has a full of youthful spirit, courage, a senior management technology development team knowledge and rational, through the study and research, has formed a set of development suited to their own management system, causes the entire firm in business consulting, certification, manufacturing, installation commissioning and after sale service of standard operation, lay a solid foundation for the development of enterprises. Also has a large number of skilled industrial workers, they are key factors to ensure the high grade product quality.

    The concept of the corporation:

    " Yikeweizun, customer-oriented ", provide value for customers and price concessions, quality and larger product, after sale service and repair maintenance perfect details.

    Business sales:

    Composed of Hongkong and the elite of domestic large business department, to provide professional and efficient product information to customers. Each business representatives have training courses to accept a product, technology application. After completion of the course, achievements reached to some extent, can represent the company and customers to negotiate business, to ensure that each is a professional, familiar and responsible business elite in front of the business representative.


    External: project team, and constantly open up new products and improvement of function and technology, recruiting and technology market pulse burst into.

    Internal: should also be concerned that demand and production process, constantly updated and buy machines and equipment, to make our products more refine on.

    Production management:

    Management mechanism composed of senior engineers and engineering and technical personnel, strict control and supervision of the operation of the production departments, ensure that all manufacturers are the most sophisticated products factory, the most excellent.

    Market overview:

    In addition to most of the products in addition to domestic use, part is also exported to Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and even Europe and the United States, South Africa and Mauritius and other countries and regions.

    The company since its establishment, always follow the world's advanced level, continuous innovation, the pursuit of perfection. Company's products have been widely used in: food, daily necessities industry, tobacco, chemical, pharmaceutical, airport, port, wharf, logistics, automobile, motorcycle, mining, energy, machinery, hardware, plastic, toys, electronics, electrical appliances, light industry, wood processing, rubber, transportation, storage and postal, and won the praise and trust of users.

    In addition to the products of the company was all the praise and affirmation and establish a good partnership, the company also dedicated to provide all kinds of information and technology research for the manufacturers of user. Hope that you will make a wise choice: choose " Dongguan Qingda automation equipment Technology Co., Ltd. " as your supplier manufacturing.

    " Create value for customers, do a good supplier ", " the reasonable application of superior quality, excellent service "!

    A unified national toll-free hotline: 400-800-302 8 http://www.qingda168.com/

    專業制造線路板切腳機 剪腳機 pcb切腳機 質量保證 保修一年!_剪腳機_電子產品製造設備_機械設備_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i