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    商品代碼: 158089
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    座椅汽車部件制造有限公司是中國機械通用零部件協會會員,中國氣彈簧協會常務委員單位,專業生產各種氣彈簧和客車座椅骨架及扶手總成。    公司創建于上世紀九十年代初,與國內諸多大專院校和科研機構合作,從事汽車零部件的研發和制造,積累了豐富的設計和生產經驗,逐步形成了YQ系列壓縮氣彈簧、JKQ角調氣彈簧,以及客車座椅骨架和扶手總成等四大系列多種規格型號的產品。其中YQ系列和JKQ角調氣彈簧獲得國家星火計劃博覽會銀質獎,客車座椅骨架總成經過國家轎車質量監督檢驗中心檢測,符合GB15083-1994《汽車座椅系統強度要求及試驗方法》標準的要求。憑借過硬的產品質量和全面的售后服務以及合理的價格優勢,公司產品已批量出口東南亞和歐洲市場,并與國內諸多知名汽車制造廠家建立了多年的合作配套關系。包括鄭州宇通、中通客車、廈門金龍、哈飛汽車、江鈴汽車以及杭汽東風客車、金華尼奧普蘭等眾多整車制造廠,樹立了良好的公司信譽。    公司已于2000年取得ISO9000質量管理體系認證,為進一步提高企業產品品位和產品知名度,又按照ISO/TS16949-2002要求建立了質量管理體系,通過了專業機構認證審核。我們將一如既往遵循“質優、價優、服務優,唯顧客無憂”的全新理念,期待著與更多的新老朋友合作,并竭誠歡迎您的蒞臨指導。 Company Profile     Lanxi Shuangguan Automobile Parts Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.and Lanxi Liansheng Automobile Parts Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.are the members ofChina General Mechanical Parts Association and China Spring Sub-Association,it specializes in producing all kinds of gas springs and seat frame for passenger car and armrest assembly.    The company was established in the beginning of the 1990"s,it spealizes in R&D and production of automobile parts by cooperating with many colleges and research institutes,it collects rich experiences in design and production,there are four series and various specifications of products,such as YQ series of compressed gas springs,JKQ adjustable springs,seat frame ofr passenger car and armrest assembly.YQ series and JKQ adjustable springs have won the silver prize on China Spark Prongram Achievements Exhibition,seat frame for passenger car conforms to the requirements of GB15083-1994《Motor vehicles-Seat systems-Strength requirements and test methods》standard.Our products are exported to Southeast Asia and European market and have established long-term cooperationship with many famous automobile manufactories in China depending on reliable quality and good after-sales service and reasonable price.We have obtained good reputation among Zhengzhou Yutong,Zhongtong passenger car,Xiameng jinlong,Haifei automobile,jiangling automobile,Dongfeng passenger car,jinhua Niaopulan etc automobile manufactories.   Our company passed the certificate of ISO900 quality management system in 2000,in order to improve the quality and promote the reputation of product,it also set up quality management system according to the requirements of ISO/TS16949-2002 and passed the authentication of professional organization.we would always carry out the new concept of high quality,cheap price,good service,customer utmost,we hope that more and more old and new friends cooperate with us,your presence and guidance are requested.

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