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    熒光筆 中性筆 水性筆 白板筆 熒光板筆
    商品代碼: 11515502
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    建議零售價 ¥1.50 品牌 寫樂 外殼材質 塑料
    型號 3608 包裝方式 膠袋+紙箱 是否雙頭
    是否可擦 貿易屬性 內貿 加印LOGO 可以
    加工定製 適用送禮場合 生日,廣告促銷,周年慶典,公關策劃,展銷會,節日,員工福利,喬遷,開業典禮,頒獎紀念,婚慶,商務饋贈,熒光板筆 是否進口
    筆芯顏色 黃色 筆頭形狀 斜頭



         我們生產文具文教五金已有十多年的生產經驗,自主開發的產品主要有教學白板  圖釘軟木板 兒童益智白板  白板筆  鐵書立  磁性冰箱貼  磁粒磁鐵  黑板擦  相框  筆筒等 磁性拼圖玩具等幾十類品種,我們也可以根據您的需要,來樣來稿來圖定做!雄厚的開發能力和管理模式。公司本著"質量是企業生存的根本"為宗旨,力爭為世界各國提供質量最好、價格最優,質量第一,客人至上是我們始終如一的追求。
    The writing music hardware stationery factory "is an independent design, production, sales for the integration of enterprises, over the years thanks to all the new and old customer care and support, we not only develop the vast market of China, and many from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and so on foreign enterprises have good relations of cooperation, and the product is selling to southeast Asia, Europe and America etc.
    We manufacture and hardware stationery for more than ten years of production experience, independent development of products mainly include teaching whiteboard thumbtack soft wood fancy whiteboard white iron stick ShuLi magnetic refrigerators pencil eraser frame magnetic grain magnets such as magnetic jigsaw puzzle dozens of varieties, we can also according to your need to sample contributions to! Strong ability to develop and management mode. The company of "quality is the fundamental business survival" for the purpose, strive to provide the best quality, the world best price, quality first, the supremacy guest is our consistent pursuit.
    Pragmatism, innovation, quality, service "is our persistent pursuit. Welcome to contact us with the enterprise staff, to realize the resource integration, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit, and create prosperity.

    熒光筆 中性筆 水性筆 白板筆 熒光板筆_螢光筆_筆類_辦公、文教_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i