
  • 供應加料再生破碎機
    商品代碼: 2581153
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    nt color="#000000" face="黑體">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">宏盛強力破碎機參數表 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">型號/Model nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">   PC180 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">    PC230 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">    PC300 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     PC400 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      PC500 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       PC600 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     PC800 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">    PC960 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">    PC1100 nt>
    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">功率    (KW) nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      2.2 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        4 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      5.5 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       7.5 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       11 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        15 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        22 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       45 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        75 nt>
    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">功率    (HP) nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       3 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      5.5 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      7.5 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       10 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       15 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        20 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         30 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       60 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       100 nt>
    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">碎料室(MM) nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">  150180 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">    200230 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">   230300 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      270400 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      320500 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      340600 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     480800 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      610960 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     6201100 nt>
    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">動刀Rotating Blades nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        9 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         6 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         9 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        12 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        15 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        18 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         9 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        12 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        15 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">定刀Fixed Blades nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        2 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         2 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">          2 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">            2 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">            2 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         4 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">          4 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         4 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">          4 nt>
    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">碎料量(KG/H) nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">100-150 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">  130-200 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold"> 220-300 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">  400-600 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">   450-800 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">   340600 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">  8001300 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold"> 10001800 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">  12002000 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">篩網孔徑(mm) nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       ?6 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       ?8 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     ?8 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         ?10 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         ?10 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">         ?10 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        ? 12 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       ? 12 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">        ?12 nt>
    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">機械尺寸(mm) nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">730x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">440900 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">900x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">6601040 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">1150x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">8001200 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">1300x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">9001550 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">1400x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">10001650 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">1500x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">12001750 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">2000x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">14502200 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">2200x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">16002600 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">2400x nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">17502900 nt>

    nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">重量(KG)Weight nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     100 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     300 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">     450 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      650 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">       850 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      950 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      2200 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      4000 nt>nt color="#000000" size="2">ng style="FonT-WEIGHT: bold">      4500 nt>

    nt size="5"> nt color="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #008000">強力破碎機特點FEATURES nt> nt>

    nt size="4">nt>

    nt color="#000000">nt>nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#339966">.nt>適用麵廣,可破碎、回收各種材質、形狀的塑料制品; nt>nt>
    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#339966">.nt>加工工藝成熟,箱體、刀架等重要部件采用整體加工, nt>nt>
    nt size="7">nt size="4"> 確保配合精度; nt>nt>
    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#339966">.nt>結構合理,操作方便,省電耐用、實用經濟; nt>nt>
    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#339966">.nt>設有多項安全保護裝置,確保操作安全; nt>nt>
    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#339966">.nt>投料鬥雙層設計,減少噪音; nt>nt>
    nt size="4">nt>  
    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#ff6600">.nt>Widely applicable to crushing, recycling all kinds of material, the shape of the plastic products;
    nt color="#ff6600">.nt>Processing technology mature, enclosure, rest and other important USES the whole processing,
    Ensure coordination accuracy;
    nt color="#ff6600">.nt>Reasonable structure, convenient operation, save electricity and durable, practical and economical;
    nt color="#ff6600">.nt>Equipped with multiple safety protection devices, ensuring the security of the operation;
    nt color="#ff6600">.nt>Cast hopper. The double layer design, noise reduction;

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt>nt> 

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#3366ff" face="Tahoma">爪型破碎機系列nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">nt color="#3366ff">Jaw crusher seriesnt>nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">適用於各種塑料之粉碎再利用,尤其對各類硬性塑料(如料頭、鞋楦料等)效果更佳。nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">PC系列破碎機操作方便,換刀簡便快捷;刀架優化設計,爪型刀可分散受力度,使得每片刀和剪切力加大,nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">適合破碎厚材料,硬質料塊,料頭等,有效的提高瞭刀具切削力,減少刀具磨損;設有電控安全設計,料鬥nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">采用雙層結構內填隔音材料,使得設備具有良好的安全性及環保性,省電耐用。nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">Is suitable for the crushing of all kinds of plastic recycling, especially for all kinds of rigid plastic (such as head, shoe tree material) for better efficacy.nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">Thent> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">PC series crusher is easy to operate, easy to change the edge of the sword; Optimization design tool post, claw knife can spread from strength, to make each piece knife and shear force increase,nt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">Is suitable for crushing thick material, hard material, material class, effectively improve the cutting tool and cutting force to reduce tool wear; With electric control design, safety hoppernt> nt>nt>

    nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma">Tick sound insulation materials, using double layer structure makes the equipment with good safety and environmental protection, energy saving and durable.nt> nt>nt>

    nt color="#333333" face="Tahoma" size="4">nt>  

    nt color="#3366ff" face="Tahoma" size="4">片型破碎機系列nt>

    nt color="#3366ff" face="Tahoma" size="4">FLAKE CUTTER SERIESnt>

    nt color="#333333" size="3"> 片型刀結構於爪刀、平刀之間,適合破碎普通片材,管材,型材,板材及包裝材料等塑料制品。 nt>

    nt color="#333333" size="3">  通用型塑料粉碎機,采用密封軸承,使軸承轉動長時間保持良好;刀型設計合理,產品成粒均勻;刀座熱縮處理,外形設計美觀大方。 nt>

    nt color="#333333" size="3"> Slice type blade structure between the claw blade, flat blade, is suitable for crushing ordinary sheet, pipe, profiles, sheets and packaging materials such as plastic products. nt>

    nt color="#333333" size="3"> Universal plastic crusher, the sealed bearing, bearing rotation for a long time to keep good; Uniform shape design is reasonable, the product into grain; Knife block heat treatments, elegant in design. nt>nt size="7">nt size="4"> nt>nt>

    nt color="#ff0000" size="2"> nt color="#ffffff" size="4" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff6600">服務程序/承諾:
    nt color="#008000">宏盛機械樂意為您提供全麵的培訓,確保客戶完全瞭解我們的設備;
    nt color="#008000"> nt>



    廠址:廣東省潮安縣金石鎮金石大道宏盛工業園電話:0768-6558251 傳真:0768-6566251網站:www.czhongsheng.com


    電話:0755-27821082 傳真:0755-27811726

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